CHAPTER 33 - Discoveries

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"Alright, everybody, we're at the arena. You know the drill; hair, makeup, soundcheck, then the concert," Paul scripted, sounding bored. I would be too if I were him. I mean, he has to do this for every single concert.

As everybody climbed off the bus, I counted them. When I only counted 5 people, I furrowed my brows in confusion and thought about who was missing...


"Aye, Ni, do you know where my sister is?" I asked the blonde boy. He shrugged. "No, last I saw she was going to get ready in the washroom," Niall replied. I nodded, and jogged back into the bus and over to the washroom.

I knocked on the door. "Reese? You in there?" I called, pressing my ear to the door to try and listen in. When I didn't get a reply, I opened the door anyways. It was empty. As I was about to exit the empty washroom, something caught my eye. A Raybans case sitting on the counter.

I recognized it as the one Niall got Reese for her birthday. I picked it up, so I could return them to my sister, but the sound something shaking inside of the case caught my attention. Sunglasses don't make this kind of noise, I thought.

It sounded as if little glass balls were inside. Suspiciously, I opened the case. And once I did, I couldn't believe what I saw.

I closed the case and left it inside of my bunk, then closed the curtain. I'd get back to Reese about that later.

"Reese?" I hollered. Instead of a normal, proper response, I heard the sound of something falling... Or somebody. "REESE?" I repeated, alarmed. I ran out to where the sound came from and, like I suspected, I saw my sister laying on the floor.

I got down on my knees in front of her and sighed in relief when I saw she was conscious and breathing. "Wha-" "Shh. Harry. Let me relax," she breathed. Both anger and disappointment filled me.

Anger because... She fucking took drugs. Now I know why she was acting all loopy a while back! And disappointment because... Well, she fucking took drugs.

I balled my fists, enraged. "Okay, well, relax in your bed," I snapped. And even though I was completely furious with her, I scooped her up and brought her to her bunk. "Stay here. I'll be right back," I barked. She giggled and waved her fingers at me. "Toodaloo."

Ignoring her strange little comment, I ran out of the bus and found Paul waiting for me a few meters ahead. "Harry! Where's Reese? And what's taking you so long? You're needed in there!" Paul roared. "No time to explain. Get somebody to stay behind with Reese. I'm going in now," I stated, and walked off.

Paul looked confused, but obliged, and called somebody for assistance.

I stormed into the dressing room where we got our hair and makeup done. "Woah, Haz, you alright?" Liam asked, noting how harsh my movements were. I didn't mean to glare at him, but I did. "Yeah. I just need to talk to you all after the concert," I grumbled. He raised his eyebrows at me, obviously sensing something was up.

"Where's, uh... Where's Reese?" Louis asked, quietly. The break-up was still new to him and he clearly has not been taking it well. They didn't exactly end on good terms.

"That's what I need to talk to you all about," I snapped, earning everybody's attention. The room fell completely silent. Everybody shut up, even the stylists, and they all stopped working too. You could literally hear a pin drop.

"Forget about it. Let's just do this concert," I muttered.

I followed my stylist over to the only available seat and she began doing my fixing up my hair. They had started to talk again, but it was that kind of quiet mumbling. It was beyond - what's the word for it ? - awkward.

Soundcheck went by a lot gloomier than it usually was. We normally have fun during our soundchecks but this one was incredibly depressing. Then after soundcheck, we waited for our cue to go out on stage.

"You're on in 5... 4... 3... 2..."

We ran out and onto the stage, putting on big smiles for the crowd. Screams and chants busted our eardrums. And at first, my smile was fake, but it soon turned genuine once I realized how grateful I am. All of these people... Came out to see us perform.

"Hello, Houston!" Zayn exclaimed into his mic.



March break is almost over... Boo :'( I don't wanna go back to school...

In the last chapter, I asked y'all where you live, and I actually got responses! Wow, it feels surreal that people from around the world are reading my fanfic! Thank you guys, ilysm c:

QOTD: do you want to get a tattoo? and if yes, what and where?

I want an infinity sign on my right wrist, a butterfly on my left wrist, a dandelion on my shoulder/neck, and maybe an anchor on my ankle. I probably won't end up getting all of them but yeah :D

Infinity {Louis Tomlinson Bk:2}Where stories live. Discover now