CHAPTER 22 - Can we talk?

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A/N: You Chiall shippers better brace yourselves :o



"MOVE YOUR FATASS OUT OF THE WAY!" Louis yelled as I cut him in Mario Carts

on the Wii. I laughed maniacally. "TOO BAD, TOMMO!" I hollered.

"Dude, your getting creamed!" Harry laughed, taunting Louis. "Oh, shut up, curly!" Louis retorted, jokingly.

I did a very smooth U turn and crossed the finish line. "WOOHOO!" I cheered, throwing my controller up in the air. It crashed to the floor with a loud "plonk". Louis pouted, crossing his arms over his chest childishly.

"Don't worry, Lou. You didn't do THAT bad," Zayn smirked. "I CAME IN ELEVENTH OUT OF TWELVE!" Louis exclaimed, causing everybody to fall into fits of laughter.

I had came in first, surprisingly. I didn't think I'd do that well. I was about to rub it in his face when the bus door flew open and our beautiful girlfriends waltzed in.

Louis dropped his controller on the couch and Zayn immediately snatched it. Liam grabbed the one I dropped on the floor and the two of them began racing.

Josh and Harry were going to play after them.

"Hey, babe!" I beamed, running over to Cher and hugging her. I think I've finally gotten over Reese, for real this time. Sure, she may still have a soft spot in my heart but my heart truly belongs to Cher... I couldn't have asked for a better girl than her.

She forced a weak smile at me. "Hey, Ni," she mumbled, awkwardly. I raised my eyebrow at her in confusion but she shrugged me off. I decided not to ask about it because I knew better than to push her into talking about something she clearly did not want to discuss.

"Sup, loser," Louis greeted Reese, a huge grin on his face as she wrapped her petite arms around his neck. "Hi, dork," she teased back as he snaked his arms around her waist. They were really so cute together, and I've grown to accept that... Heck, I don't feel the slightest bit jealous anymore!

Out of the corner of my eyes I caught Reese mouthing something to Cher, and Cher mouthing something back. I couldn't quite catch it but I figured it was nothing important.

"Niall, can we.. Can we talk?" Cher announced. Everybody fell silent after those words slipped out of her mouth. Even Zayn and Liam, who were previously screaming at each other, and Josh and Hazza, who were cheering either of them on.

Can we talk... Three words that hold so much meaning. They're the words you hear right before a break up, or something serious. But she's been acting strange ever since she got here this afternoon, so... Could it be?

I gulped, nodding once, stiffly. "Umm, s-sure," I stuttered. Reese shot me a sympathetic smile, as if she knew what was going to happen.

A bunch of worst-case-scenarios played in my head. Oh my god, what if she went out with Reese today to discuss whatever this was? What if Cher breaks up with me, right when I begin to fully love her, and only her? What if she has cancer? What if she's cheating me on? What if she's pregnant? Wait, that can't be... We haven't slept together yet.

She took my hand and lead me to the bunk room, so we were away from everybody


She sighed, leaning against one bunk-bed's frame. She looked worried, nervous... Scared. "Is... Is everything okay, love?" I mumbled, tightening my grip on her hand, since our fingers were still interlocked.

"Umm, you tell me," she replied, absentmindedly. I raised my eyebrows at her with curiosity. "Umm... I don't know? That's why I asked you," I chuckled, nervously. My palms were beginning to get clammy and I could feel sweat threatening to seep out of my skin.

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