CHAPTER 25 - Christmas (finale, pt. 3/3)

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I stirred a little in my sleep as I felt something jab into my skin. I ignored it but the same thing happened, this time instead of on my shoulder, it poked me on my cheek.

"Reese," the anonymous intruder grunted. He/she poked me again - harder - on my cheek. Out of reflex, I ninja-slapped I'm their direction. "OW!" they hissed. I could now recognize the voice as my annoying brother. Harry.







"Damnit, REESE!"

This time, instead of poking me on my face, Harry grabbed my shoulders and began shaking me rapidly. My eyelids fluttered open in alarm and I wiped the sleep from my eyes. Then I sat up and glared at my curly-haired brother, who was snickering at me from behind my bedpost.

"Oh hey, you're awake," he said, sarcastically. I simply glared him down. "Thanks for the bruise, by the way," he snorted, gesturing to his left cheek bone. It was already starting to turn purple. "Thanks for waking me up," I shot back.

He rolled his eyes at me. "It's Christmas morning, you twat. Mum won't let me open anything until you wake up!" he exclaimed. I raised one eyebrow at him as he impatiently crossed his arms and frowned. Then I burst out laughing.

"What's so funny?" he asked, confused. I wiped away the imaginary tears and smirked at him. "You honestly look like - and act like - a child, Harold," I teased, slipping out of the covers and dragging my body out of bed.

He simply pouted which only made me laugh again. I ruffled his curls and looked into his eyes, as if I were speaking to a fragile toddler. "I'll be down in a minute, okay?" I spoke. He nodded eagerly, a broad grin on his face, and then dashed out of my room.

Yesterday, when mum sadly informed Harry and I about our grandmother's sickness, I realized I wasn't as mad at her as much as I missed her. So I ended up caving in and forgiving her, so this holiday won't be filled with cold glares and harsh remarks. So we could enjoy it; like a family.

I trudged across the hall to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and did my business.


Mum handed both Harry and I a box each. He viciously tore at the green wrapping paper while I ripped mines off casually.

My eyes must've widened to the size of a tomato when I saw what was hidden by red wrapping paper. She had gotten me a new stereo. "Oh my gosh, thank you!" I squealed. She grinned at me and replied, "You're welcome."

That's when I heard Harry squeal the most high-pitched squeal I have ever heard. Mum and I both burst out into hysterics at that. "THANK YOU, MUM!" he yelped, kissing her on the cheek.

I scampered over to the tree, Harry trailing behind me, so I could pull out my gifts for them. Even though I was extremely angry with my mum for the past few months, I still bought her a gift, fortunately.

I handed them each their - amazingly - wrapped gifts with a grin on my face. "Gee, nice wrapping skills," Harry said, sarcastically. Okay, so maybe I wasn't the best gift wrapper after all. When I said "amazingly wrapped", I really meant it at least covered the entire gift.

"Shut up and open it, twat," I shot back at him, a small smile on my face. He laughed and tore off the paper. I watched as both of them inspect what they got. My mum was the first to open their gifts so she turned to me with a huge smile.

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