Chapter 16

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"I'm so sorry Tyler," I felt the tears mixed with raindrops sliding down my cheeks. "I never meant to lead you on. I don't know what happened. This whole week has been crazy and I swear it wasn't my intention to hurt you. I'm so so sorry."

His expression softened and he swallowed hard."Y-you're leaving me," he said quietly.

"Tyler," I gulped. "I... we... you knew I was already with Cameron. We both knew this wouldn't work. We-"

"Had sex," he said bluntly.

"W-what?" I asked, wondering why he would bring that up.

"Were you just bored?" his facial expression changed to pissed off. "Were you tired of fucking Cameron so you just led me on so I'd bang you?! Is that it?!"

I flinched at his yelling. "No," I said. "That... that was never it."

"Then what was it?" he asked. "Cause I think I have a right to know whether it meant a heap of shit to you or not that I cared about you enough to make love to you!"

I took a step back. For some reason, I decided to fire back at him."Yeah! Behind my boyfriend's back!" I yelled.

He looked somewhat surprised at my outburst but held his ground.

"Oh yeah! Some boyfriend he is!" he shouted. "You've got a real keeper there if he sneaks around cheating on you everyday!"

I flinched at that but pursued our fight.

"What do you consider yourself then?!" I yelled. "I cheated on him too! The difference is, you talked me into it! We're all just as fucking guilty!"

He stepped toward me. "I didn't have to talk you into anything! You wanted to have sex with me!"Well... that might be true."You should consider your stupid ass lucky then! Cause I've only been with Cameron and I've never cheated or hooked up until I met you! You jerk!"

He pushed me back against the railing. I glanced over my shoulder to see cars speeding by beneath us. Yikes. I heard a loud crack of thunder and watched the rain fall from his hair. He leaned in close to my face, breathing hard.

"Call me a jerk one more time," he dared.

I swallowed, looking into his eyes. "You're... you're a jerk."

He glanced to my lips for a split second."Doesn't that make you a cheating slut?" he said in a lower volume.

"I... I guess."

"So," he said softer. "You and Cameron made up. Everything's peachy for you. Life's gonna go back to normal in perfect California."

I just looked at him, not sure what to say.

"But where does that leave your cheating accomplice?" he asked, referring to himself. "Oh that's right! You used me for a week and now you're kicking me out of your life!"

He pushed back away from the railing, stepping back from me.

"I didn't use you," I whispered.

"Then what the fuck would you call it?" he leaned back against the cement wall.

"Tyler," I swallowed. "I... I love you."

His expression completely changed. He looked vulnerable. I took a couple steps toward him.

"Tyler, I love you so much," I stepped in front of him. "And I'm so sorry I fell for you the hard way. I just... ever since I met you, I couldn't stay away from you. It's not that I wanted to cheat or I was bored of Cameron or anything like that. I was fine with how everything was going... and then I met you."

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