Chapter 4

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A couple hours later, I woke up. Seeing it was still black outside, I checked my phone to see it was 3:52AM. I let a heavy sigh release and sat up in bed. Cameron was passed out snoring and I was wide awake for some reason. I tried going back to sleep but my body just didn't seem to want to, so by 4:15 I decided I might as well get up and do something. I quietly snuck out of bed and pulled a pair of sweatpants from my bag. I didn't feel comfortable leaving the room in shorts. I pulled my hair back, put my tank top back on, grabbed my phone and room key, and tiptoed out of the room.

I made my way down the hall to the elevators, not really knowing where I was going. I had nothing to do and wandering around the hotel seemed like the most interesting thing at the time. I walked to the front desk in the lobby.

"Can I help you?" the girl asked. She looked like she wanted to be anywhere but here.

"Can I get a coke please? Just charge it to the room."

"Sure," she fetched a coke for me. "What's your room number?"


"Alright. Here you go."

"Thank you," I smiled.

I wandered over to the sitting area in the lobby. There was no one else here. The TV was on quiet. It was all infomercials and I was bored to death. I sat there for about fifteen minutes drinking my coke til I decided I wanted some fresh air. I walked over to the front doors of the hotel and stepped outside. I knew it wasn't such a good idea to be alone outside in the middle of the night in New York City but I figured if I stayed near the doors, nothing would happen. I sat down on a bench a few feet away and tried to relax.

"You know, that's not the safest idea," I heard a guy say.

I looked over my shoulder to see a figure a few feet from me leaning against the building. I was kinda creeped out but I kept cool.

"I know. I just needed some air," I replied, hoping he'd go away.

My mind was already jumping to conclusions that he was a murderer or something.

"Yeah, me too," he said. "Mind if I sit with you?"

I wanted so badly to say no and run away but I said "sure" instead, for some reason. I mentally slapped myself. I felt the bench shift a bit as he sat down about two feet from me. He let out a heavy breath but kept quiet. Okay, maybe he's not going to kill me...I scooted slightly further away from him, hoping he wouldn't notice. Naturally, he did.

"I'm not gonna rape you, if that's what you're thinking," he said in a tired voice.

"Oh," I muttered.

I didn't know what to say. I wanted to run back to Cameron and hide but the only thing between me and the doors was this guy and if I tried to get up, I half expected him to grab me and do God knows what. I didn't really trust what he said.

"You're gonna get sick out here in a tank top," he said.

"I'm fine."

"Here," he said, handing me his leather jacket.

"Uh, no thanks," I half smiled, trying to act like I appreciated the offer. Really, I thought it was just his way of trying to seduce me.

"Suit yourself," he shrugged.

A few silent minutes went by and the wind picked up a bit. I was starting to get pretty cold and somewhat regretted not taking his jacket. I slid my hands up and down my arms trying to keep warm. It must've been about fifty degrees. I heard the guy chuckle lightly.

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