Chapter 15

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David breathed out heavily, slouching back against the couch with an expression I couldn't read.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked.

"I know how this goes," he replied, looking up at the ceiling.

"What do you mean?" I was confused.

"A couple years ago," he shifted his body slightly. "I was dating this girl named Kacey. She was... she was everything to me."

"What happened?" I asked, pulling my hair back.

"I switched schools and met Natalie," he sighed.

I raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue.

"Kacey and I were still dating. I didn't get to see her as much since we didn't go to the same high school anymore but she lived down the street from me so we still spent a lot of time together," he said, pushing his hair back.

I nodded, watching him stare at the ceiling fan.

"The problem was," he breathed out. "I fell in love with Natalie."

"Oh," I muttered, not sure what to say.

"Kacey was pretty pissed when she found out," he explained. "I loved them both and I felt like shit for allowing myself to have feelings for Natalie after Kacey and I had been together for a year."

"So what happened?" I asked.

"Prom came up and I went with Natalie," he sighed. "We got a hotel room after and... I cheated on Kacey."

I rested a comforting hand on his shoulder.

"Kacey found out I had sex with Natalie and she dumped me," he looked back to me. "I begged her to take me back and went through the whole 'I'm sorry, I fucked up, I love you' routine and eventually she took me back."

"What happened with Natalie?"

"Well... I was happy to be back with Kacey, but..." he swallowed. "I was madly in love with Natalie. I swore to Kacey I'd never cheat on her again and two weeks later, I don't know... maybe my emotions just got the best of me but Natalie and I were watching a movie and I just... it just happened. I realized I didn't love Kacey the way I loved Natalie and I broke up with her," David explained.

"So you dated Natalie then?" I asked.

"I wanted to..."

"You didn't?"

"I found out she was moving the next week. Before she left, she told me she wouldn't have dated me anyway because she didn't wanna risk getting her heart broken if I left her for Kacey. I never saw her again after that. It literally broke my heart. I stayed in my room for days, miserable. I wouldn't shower or hardly eat. I barely even got out of bed except to go to the bathroom," he sighed. "I was so in love with her and... she left. I did the stupid thing and ran back to Kacey. For some reason she gave me another chance and we dated for another two months until she decided I wasn't into our relationship enough for her to stay with me and she dumped me. I never spoke to her again."

"I'm sorry," I whispered, seeing the hurt look in his eyes.

"Its... its fine," he mumbled. "But the point of my story is that you have to be sure who you're in love with or you might lose them both."

I nodded, understanding.

"I'm sure I'm gonna lose Cameron," I muttered. "And I don't even know about Tyler."

"Tyler... cares deeply for you," he said. "And I know Cameron loves you. I think you need to have a long talk with both of them."

"I don't know what to say," I sighed.

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