Chapter 5

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"Morning," he smiled.

"Buenos dias," I returned the smile and held the door open for him to come inside.

He walked in and looked around the room, not sure what to do.

"Let me just grab my jacket and we can go," I said. "Oh and here's yours."

I tossed his jacket to him and he put it on."I was kinda counting on that. I forgot to put one on before I came over here," he laughed.

I threw my jacket on and grabbed my phone. "Shall we?" I smiled.

"We shall," he grinned, opening the door for me.

He closed the door behind us and we walked down to the elevators.

"Where are we going?" I asked. I was really hungry.

"I was thinking iHop but we can go wherever you want," he answered.

"I love iHop," I smiled. It was one of my favorite restaurants.


The elevator opened and we made our way down to the lobby. I looked around hoping none of the guys were down here. It wouldn't turn out well if one of the boys saw me leaving with another guy and told Cameron. Thankfully, I didn't see any of them. We walked outside and made our way to the back of the building. I didn't understand why we were walking back here and it started to worry me. I thought we were gonna walk to the restaurant or get a cab since we didn't take the elevator down to the parking garage to get a vehicle.

"Why are we going back here?" I asked, getting unnerved. Maybe "lunch" wasn't such a good idea.

"Oh, I'm just getting my car," he said. What?

"Why didn't you park it in the parking garage?" I quizzed him.

"I hate parking garages. They're a pain in the ass," he laughed. "Plus, I don't have to pay for parking this way."

He lead us through the back alley and around some rose bushes where he'd parked his SUV.

"Nice," I said, admiring the vehicle. I loved SUVs.

"Yeah?" he smiled. "I just got it last week."

"It's awesome," I replied, staring at the shiny black paint.

He unlocked the vehicle and we got in. The interior smelled like cologne and the pine tree air freshener he had hanging from the mirror. He turned the radio to a pop station and looked around before backing out. 'Love, Sex, Magic' came on the radio. It was kinda awkward but he didn't change the station or turn it down. He was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel while we waited at the stop light. I started quietly singing along to the song. I didn't want to sing normal in front of him since I didn't know him. That would be a bit weird. He randomly started laughing.

"What?" I asked, confused as to what he was laughing about.

"You will huh?" he asked, flashing me a grin.

"I will what?" I frowned.

"You'll make me believe in love, sex and magic?" he burst out laughing.

Realization hit me."Oh!" I laughed. "I was just singing along! I didn't mean that!"

"I know," he said, continuing to laugh.

Of course, Candy Shop came on next, and that just made us laugh harder.

"How far away are we?" I asked, trying to stop laughing.

"Um... like seven miles I think," he said, changing lanes to merge to the highway.

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