Chapter 2

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I felt a hand grab mine and then Cameron laced his fingers with mine. I looked over at him to see him smile back at me. It was an "I love you so much" kind of smile. It made me feel like I was on cloud nine and I knew he was really feeling this song by the way his actions mellowed. He didn't say anything but I knew what he was thinking.

We pulled into a parking lot outside a big brick building. Our hands separated as we unbuckled our seatbelts and got out of the truck. He put an arm around my waist as we walked to the venue. I went to grab the door but he held it for me. The inside of the building was so much bigger than it looked from the street. I followed Cameron to the backstage area where we met up with his band mates who had apparently been waiting on us for awhile.

"Dude you're late," said Zach, the lead singer. He was the one Danielle wanted me to date. Sure he was cute but he wasn't my type and I wasn't interested anyway.

"I know. I know. Chill. Traffic sucked and we went to the park for lunch. I'm here now," Cameron replied, clearly annoyed.

"Well let's hop to it," Zach said, leaving the dressing room. I assumed he went to the stage to set up.

Cameron handed me some cords and a guitar case. I waited for him to grab a few himself and then followed him to the stage. We spent about twenty minutes plugging things in, testing volumes and instruments and unloading the equipment from their van outside.

"Babe can you go get my bass from the van?" Cameron asked.

"Sure," I said, running off to head back outside.

I noticed another white van pull up and park a few spaces down from ours. It kinda creeped me out since I was out here alone and there's a creeper van just chillin' there. I collected Cameron's bass and the cord for it's amp and attempted to fetch the keys from my back pocket to lock the van, while juggling everything else.

"You need some help?" I heard a guy ask.

I turned slightly to see a tall boy about my age with short brown hair.

"As many times as I've gone back and forth like this, you'd think I would've learned not to put the keys in my pocket and try to juggle everything," I laughed, trying to be friendly. He looked like a nice guy.

"Here, let me get that," he smiled, taking the instrument case from my hand.

I tossed the cord to my other hand and pulled the keys out of my pocket, shutting the sliding door and locking the van.

"Thank you," I smiled, turning back to him.

I held my hand out for him to hand me back the case.

"No, I'll carry it for you. I'm going in there anyway," he said, nodding toward the venue.

"Oh. Well thank you."

He followed me across the parking lot and held the door open for me. We walked down the long hallway, passed the dressing room, where I noticed one of Cameron's band mates give us a funny look, and we stopped when we got to the stage.

"Where do you want this?" he asked, holding the case.

"Oh just next to the stand over there," I pointed to Cameron's mic stand.

Mystery guy walked across the stage to set the case down and then turned to face me. I felt awkward, since it was just us two standing there and I didn't know what to say.

"Do you need help with anything else?" he asked, taking a few steps toward me.

"No I think that's it. I'm just waiting to see if I can do anything else around here," I said, shifting my weight to my other foot.

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