Chapter 11

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"You know," David coughed. "I could've gone my entire life without seeing that."

Tyler and I pulled the sheets up over us in attempts to hide our appearance as David sat down at the foot of the other bed.

"You-you're back early," Tyler said, brushing his bangs off his forehead.

"Yeah. I'm starting to regret that," David chuckled.

I lay there awkwardly waiting to see what was going to happen. I half expected David to yell at us and rat me out to Cameron but he just sat there looking at his hands in his lap and let a heavy sigh go.

"Correct me if I'm wrong," David looked up at me. "But don't you have a boyfriend... whose not Tyler?"

I felt my face get hot and covered my cheeks with my hands to hide my embarrassment.

"You're right," I mumbled.

"Do either of you wanna explain to me what's going on here?" David asked, looking from me to Tyler.

"Not..." Tyler cleared his throat. "Not really..."

"Olivia," David sighed. "You do realize what you're doing, right?"


"I could go tell Cameron right now," he said, standing up from the bed. "Or you can. Your choice."

I cringed at the thought of David telling Cameron he'd walked in on me and Tyler about to have sex.

"I... I'll tell him," I said quietly.

"Tyler," David began, turning toward the door. "You're the accomplice. Don't make her tell him alone."

With that, he left the room leaving Tyler and I laying there awkwardly, not sure what to do next. I felt the bed shift as he got up and grabbed his shirt from the floor. I leaned over the side of the bed to fetch mine as well.

"Well," Tyler ran a hand through his hair. "That couldn't have been more awkward."

"We have a huge problem," I looked back at him.

"I know."

"I'm officially the stupidest person in the world!" I said loudly, throwing my hands up.

Tyler walked around to my side of the bed and sat down next to me, putting his arm around me.

"Hey," he half smiled down at me. "You're not stupid."

"Sure," I laughed sarcastically. "Were you not here for what just happened?!"

"So you made a mistake," he shrugged. "Doesn't mean you're stupid. And you're certainly not the stupidest person in the world. Trust me. I saw a guy juggling bananas in the street at rush hour. You don't rank anywhere near that."

I laughed softly and stood up, collecting my phone and room key. Tyler sat there looking to see what I was going to do.

"I guess I've gotta go talk to Cam," I said, turning for the door.

"You're not going alone," he replied, coming to my side.

"Tyler," I sighed. "If you come with me, it's not gonna be pretty. Please just stay here or go do something else. Whatever. Just don't come with me."

He gave me a concerned frown. "But I-"



"Tyler," I opened the door. "Please."

He breathed out heavily, leaning against the wall. "Okay..."

"I guess I'll see you later," I said, leaving the room and heading for mine and Cameron's.

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