Chapter 6

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We came to a heavy metal door with a big red sign that said 'Employees Only.' He opened the door and gestured for me to follow him. We walked up two flights of stairs and came to another door. Once he opened the door, I was temporarily blinded by the bright light outside. Then I realized we were on the roof. He walked passed me further out into the open and amused himself by doing a cartwheel. I just laughed and wandered over to the edge of the building, looking around at the incredible view. It was beautiful up here. I could see the Empire State building.

"How's this for something to do?" he yelled above the noise of the wind from across the roof. I couldn't help grinning like a opossum.

"This is amazing," I smiled at him.

He walked across the helipad to the opposite side so I turned back to what I was looking at before. I got lost in the peacefulness of being way up here with an amazing view and perfect weather. I just felt free. It was so calming. I felt a hand on my back and turned slightly to see Tyler standing next to me. He moved his hand off me and rested his body against the railing.

"I like to do this a lot to think," he said, looking out at the skyline. "I love going to building rooftops and just chillin'. It feels good."

"It's beautiful up here," I said, watching the cloud pass overhead.

"Yeah..." he looked at me. "Yeah it is..."

Naturally my mind wandered to thinking that this would be a perfect spot for a first kiss and I found myself looking at his lips. When I realized what I was staring at, and that he noticed to, I blushed and turned away to hide it. He covered my hand with his on the railing.

"You okay?" he asked quietly.

"Yeah. Great," I said, still looking the opposite direction.

"Look at me," he said quietly, leaning slightly closer to me.I hesitantly turned to face him.

"Hi," I smiled, somewhat embarrassed.

"Hey," he smiled back at me.

His eyes... damn, I could get lost in his eyes forever.

"Olivia, I..." of course my phone had to ring right then.

He let out a heavy sigh and turned back to looking at the buildings. I yelled a million curse words in my head and then felt super guilty when I saw Cameron's name on my phone.

"Yo," I answered, trying to hear over the wind.

"Hey baby, we're done rehearsing. We're gonna order pizzas at the venue. Do you wanna come hang with us?" Cameron asked.

I looked back at Tyler who didn't seem to be paying any attention but I could tell he was a little upset that my phone rang.

"Um... hang on a sec," I said and covered the phone with my hand.

"Are you up for pizza?" I asked Tyler.

"Didn't we just eat?" he gave me a goofy smile.

"Well I'm being offered pizza," I laughed.

"Oh sure, why not?" he chuckled.

I put the phone back up to my ear."Cam?" I asked.

"Yeah babe?"

"Can I bring a friend?"

"Uh, sure, I guess," he said.

"Okay. I'll see you in about twenty minutes."

"Great. I love you babe."

"You too," I said and hung up.

I always told him 'I love you too' but for some reason I felt uncomfortable saying that with Tyler a few feet away. I turned back to him.

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