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You and Nikki head towards the kitchen. "Don't worry everyone! We are here!" Nikki yells with her arms in the air. "Hey Max! Need some help with the dinner?" You ask. "Well I'm not the only one here." He says plainly. "I know that. I just tho-"

"Hey if you wanna help can you take over for me?" Erid asks while handing you a spoon. "Uh sure. Do you have somewhere to be?"

"Yeah. My friend's dropping me off some stuff." She says while texting on her phone. "Just tell David I went on a walk or something, I gotta go." She says while rushing past you. "Ooo can I come!?" Nikki yells. "I'll take the blame next time you get in trouble for something!"

"Fine. Just try to keep it down, ok?" Nikki closes her mouth and nods yes. Erid starts to walk out the door but before Nikki can, you grab her shoulder. "Nikki why do you wanna go with Erid so bad?" You ask. "Because I wanna meet her cool friends!"

"But Nikki were supposed- Nikki walks off. "Hey wait! Don't leave me here with these guys!" Nikki runs off.

"Uh rude much?" Preston says as he ties an apron around his waist. You laugh. "Let's just get started on this cooking." You say as you tie your hair back. "You look cute with your hair like that." Harrison says to you with a smile. "Uhm, thank you." You say while smiling shyly from the random compliment.

"It'd look better in my hand though." He says with a wink. Your eyes widen and your face immediately goes red. "What!?" You yell. Nurf burst out laughing. "Hahah! I was just joking! You should totally see your face right now!" Harrison says while holding his stomach.

Your face goes even more red from anger. You playfully punch the boys shoulder. "Hey! What was that for?" Harrison says while laughing. "That wasn't funny!" You say while still shoving the boy. "Cmon you gotta admit it was a little bit funny!" The boy says while holding the arm you were using to punch him. You can't help but smile a little. "See told ya!" You can't hold in your giggles anymore and burst out laughing. Soon Harrison also joins in.

Your laughter gets interrupted when Max yells."Hey! Can you quit messing around and help with the dinner!"

"Well jeez, someone's mad." Harrison whispers to you causing you to burst into even more laughter. Max just groans and grabs your wrist. "Hey! Oww!" He pulls you over to the stove and pushes Harrison over to the dishes. "You watch the pasta! And you wash the dishes!"

"Wait. Why am I doing dishes?" Harrison yells. Max turns to Harrison annoyed and marches over to him. He whispers something in his ear. You watch Harrison's face turn into a scared one. "Alright, I can do the dishes." Harrison says and quickly starts scrubbing. Max turns back around and you quickly turn to the stove.

You start to stir the noodles with the sauce. You then feel someone standing behind you. Or more like hovering. "Y'know you're gonna need to add some spices." He says with his head to the right of yours.

Whys he so close?

The closeness starts to overwhelm you so you step away. "Well geez you do it then." You say while trying to seem calm. "Fine, I will." He says. "Fine." "Fine!" "Fine."

"Uh hey y/n, wanna help me get some forks?" Preston asks while interrupting the two of you. "Sure." You say plainly. You walk towards Preston and shoulder bump Max on the way.

"Is something going on with you and Max?" Preston asks. "I don't know. He's just been acting weird since this morning."

"What happened this morning?" Preston asks. "He just got kinda...mad?, when I told him I can't remember anything that happened last night. Do you remember anything?" You ask the boy. "No, not really. Remember I left before the spin the bottle game?"

"Oh right."

"I think you guys should just talk it out." Preston suggest. "Yeah, I'll try."

You and Preston grab the forks and head back to the kitchen. When you guys enter, you see David. "Wow this looks great!" He yells while inspecting the food. "Great. Can I leave now?" Max asks with his hands in his pocket. "After y/n
and her group finish serving- wait, where Nikki and Erid?"

"Uhh, they went to the bathroom." Preston says. "That's strange cause the bathrooms are getting cleaned right now." Preston's eyes widen. "Well duhh! We know that! They just went to go check on them." You say while butting in. "Alright." David says sounding unsure. David walks out the kitchen and leaves the mess hall.

"Ok let's get started serving this food. Nurf, Preston, come help." You yell to the others. Neil, Max, and Harrison all walk out to go sit. Soon all the other campers also walk in. "Whoever wants food better hurry and bring their tray up!" Nurf yells. Everyone rushes over and forms a line. The  boys start to serve two other people while you serve one. The line starts to get shorter and shorter and soon there only one person left. Max.

"Finally!" Max yells. "No need to be dramatic. There's other people in line too."
"You guys were going waaay to slow. Especially you." Max say while turning towards you. "What?!" You yell. You don't want to start any more arguments so you just plop a scoop of spaghetti on the boys tray. "Enjoy." You say in a monotone voice. Max smirks and turns around heading to a table.

"How rude of h-" you notice both Preston and Nurf have left. "Welp, at least I can eat now." You grab a tray and serve yourself some food. Well what's left of it.

There's not that much.

You shrug your shoulders and walk over to the table with Neil and Max. You sit across from the two. "Hey Neil." You say while smiling to the boy. "That's all you're gonna eat?" Max asks while laughing. "Actually yes, because you guys took most of it."

"I'm sorry y/n, do you want some of mine?" Neil asks while scooting his tray toward you. "No that's fine." You say. "Alright then." The boy says while continuing to eat his food.

"So Max, me and you need to talk." You say while staring at the boy. "About what?" He says. "About why you're mad at me."

"Well there nothing to talk about." The boy says while moving his fork around in his food. "Really? Because you've been acting weird ever since I woke up in-" Max quickly cuts you off and covers your mouth.

"Fine. You wanna talk, let's talk." Max says while looking you sternly in the eyes. Max grabs your wrist and pulls you toward the back door. Only one thought is going through your head right now.

Why was that kinda hot?

1169 words

Max x y/n (Camp Camp)Where stories live. Discover now