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"Cmon guys we said we're sorry!" Nikki says while standing near the bench table you're sitting at with Max. Max had told you to ignore the two for the trouble they had caused you. "Cmon just please talk to us. Y'know how much I hate being ignored." You just turn away from the girl, but she stays bugging you. Just when your bout to snap David walks in and starts to speak.

"Alright campers listen up, I have an announcement. Me and Gwen are going to be hosting our annual Lake Lilac Summer Social event today!"
"Umm, whats that?" You speak up. "Oh right, you're new. It's just basically a party where you can meet other campers to make friends." Gwen says. "Oh cool. So people from other camps are gonna be here?"

"It's not that cool. The Flower Scouts are just gonna be bitching the whole time, and the Wood Scouts are just gonna try to recruit new members the whole night." Harrison says while crossing his arms and looking annoyed. "Wait, did you just say the Wood Scouts?" Just as you ask your question the doors bang open. And through the open doors stand three guys who you had hoped you would never have to see again.

"Oh! You Wood Scouts are already here. We were expecting you to show up at 7:00 pm, we don't even have the decorations set up yet." David says while nervously smiling and rubbing his palms. "Tch, of course you're unprepared. We decided to show up early cause we thought it would be fun to catch up with some old friends." Edward says while smiling over towards you and Max. As soon as you make eye contact with him you immediately look away. David notices this.

"Ok! How about you guys help with the decorations first. More hands to help, even more time to party!" David says while setting down a box that was filled with posters, streamers, glow sticks, and a whole lotta other party supplies. "Alright guys, you heard the man cmon!" You say while rushing your friends outside and grabbing a couple posters.

"Wow y/n, I didn't know you really wanna have this party." Nikki says while you close the door behind you. "No it's not that. I just didn't want to be in there with the Wood Scouts."
"Oh right. I forgot. Sorry."
"It's fine Nikki, let's just take our time decorating."
"Thanks for all the help! The camp is looking great. And it's just in the nick of time too!" David says while looking down at his watch.

You are just standing over at the punch bowl with Nikki, Neil, and Max. Then the doors open again revealing a group of girls. They all seem to be wearing the same uniform with a pink skirt. As they walk in they look around in disgust. "Ugh, this camp is so old and dusty." Says the girl with salmon color hair. 'Who's that?' You whisper to Neil, who is standing the closest to you. "That's Sasha. And the one with the beautiful eyes and blue hair is Erin." Says Neil while blushing and clasping his hands together. You look at the boy with a raised eye. The taller boy notices and just clears his throat. "Ahem. And the shorter one is named Tabii with two i's." You think this is kinda funny cause she's wearing an eyepatch.

"Should we go talk to them?"
"I would rather not. I kinda have bad history with them." Nikki says. "Really? What happened?"
"Long story."
A couple minutes go by and still no one has moved from their little groups.

"Sasha, no offense, but this party is kinda lame. Why did you make us come here?" Says Erin. " I'm not the one who wanted to come here. It was Tabii. She was like, begging me or something." Says Sasha. "I just wanted to see Neil! I thought I could finally get a kiss out of him tonight!" Tabii says while grinning sinisterly. "Ok Tabii, first of all, eww, why that loser?, and second, what makes you think something like that would happen at an event like this, where we're monitored by adults?" Sasha states.

"Oh but listen I have a plan! It involves the Wood Scouts though."After Tabii says this she walks over to the Wood Scouts and the two other girls follow.

"Hey, you three!" Tabii says while yelling to the boys. This causes them to stop talking and look over to the girls. "Yes? What do you need?" Edward says while stepping forward. "We have a plan and we need your help!"
" What's your plan?" (She tells the plan). "Ok, and what makes you think we would actually help you?" Edward asks. "Don't you also wanna get with a girl too?" Tabii ask.

Edward thinks for a moment. "Hmm, alright I'll do it. But if this doesn't work we get 20% of your money from your cookie sales."
"Lower it to 15 and we got a deal." Sasha says while stepping in. "Fine deal." Edward says as they shake hands.

After they shake hands Edward walks over to the two counselors and starts to talk. "Excuse me, one of my fellow campers is stuck in one of your toilets. Do you think you could help me?"
"Oh dear, who was it?" David ask seeming worried. "Uhh, just Jermy."
"Oh Gwen I think I'm gonna need your help too." Gwen sighs and just grabs a plunger. The two lead the way out and Edward follows. He looks behind him and gives Snake and Petrol a signal. They also secretly follow.
"Ok while we're in there, do you think you could hold the door open because it tends to get stuck." After David says this, Edward just smirks.

This is to easy.

"Ya no problem, I'll hold the door." Just as Edward says this, David and Gwen walk into the bathroom, and Edward's slams the door shut.
Immediately after, there is banging heard from the other side. "Hey what the fuck? Let us out!" Gwen yells. Edward just ignores her and calls Petrol over. "Petrol guard this door for the rest of the night." Petrol just nods a slight yes and stands in front of the door.

The two walk back to the mess hall and open the doors. Once Tabii sees that Gwen and David are not with them she smirks and goes to the center of the room with something in her hands.

"Alright everyone, who's ready to play spin the bottle?"

1095 words

Max x y/n (Camp Camp)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon