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It's now been 30 minutes and still no sign of anyone. You and Max are still sitting on the bench and you are now starting to get irritated. "Alright where the fuck is everyone!? Someone has to have noticed we're gone by now! They can't still be eating dinner!" Max looks over to you and starts talking with a look of boredom on his face. "Who knows?"

Nikki's POV
"Alright Neil, now that we've got y/n and Max right where we want them, we have to make sure they stay there."

"Alright, and how do you plan to do that?" Neil says while crossing his arms. "Hmm. I haven't thought that far yet." Nikki says while tapping her chin. As she's doing so she glances around the dining hall and notices Space Kid and Dolph slingshotting peas with their spoons. And that's when Nikki gets an idea. "Actually, I know exactly what to do." Nikki stands up and grabs some of her mashed potatoes and throws it at Nurf.

"Hey! Who the hell just threw that!?" Nurf says while wiping the potatoes from the back of his head. "It's was Neil!" Nikki says while jumping on the table and pointing towards him. "Wait wha-" Neil gets interrupted as more mashed potatoes are thrown at his face.


After Erid yells that, every kid is now throwing chunks of food at each other. But not Nikki. Nikki just smiles and hides under a table proud of her work.

Back to your POV
You and Max are still sitting on the bench trying to patiently wait. But boredom gets the best of you and you decide to speak up. "I'm sooo booored." You say while lying down on the bench and putting your feet on Max. "Ok first, move your feet. And second, what the fuck do you expect me to do about that?" Max says while shoving your feet off him, causing you to fall down. "Hey! What was that for?" You yell while sitting up, still on the floor. "You think I would want your dirty ass shoes on me?"

You don't answer his question and instead get back on the bench with an annoyed look on your face. When you get back on the bench you scoot closer to Max and lay down on his lap. This catches Max off guard. "Umm, what are you doing?" Max ask while looking down at you. While he's doing so, you notice a nervous sound in his voice, and that he's starting to sweat a little.

"Well you didn't want my feet on you, so I thought it would be better for me to just lay the other way." You say while smirking and looking straight into Max's eyes. "Righttt." After Max speaks it just goes awkwardly quiet.

Max's POV
Fuck! Why am I so nervous for!? Just pull it together Max, and don't think of anything weird.

Once Max pulls his thoughts together he just glances down at you. When he glances down, he sees that your shirt is risen a little, and can see your torso a little bit. Max starts to sweat a little.

Back to your POV
You turn towards Max and see him staring at you."What? What is it?" You question while smiling and giggling between each sentence. Max doesn't answer. "And why are you sweating? Do you want me to get off you?"

"Actually yes please! It's getting a little stuffy in here." Max says while quickly getting up and heading to the sink. Max gets over to the sink and splashes his face with some water. When he goes back over to the bench he sits down while also putting some distance between you guys. You notice this gesture but don't say anything. You just pull your legs to your chest and lay your chin on your knees.
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"Wanna play a game?" You ask while leaning over on your hand. "Sure, what kind?" Max ask feeling a little skeptical. "Let's play 2 truths and a lie. Do you know how to play?"

"Ya I do."

"Great let's start!" You think for a second then speak. "Ok I've got mine. A classmate broke my arm, I've had 3 boyfriends, and I can drive." You finish saying. "Ok well you're like 15 so you can probably drive. And you seem like the rough type to have a broken arm. So I'm gonna say that you having 3 boyfriends is a lie."

"What makes you think that's the lie?" You ask while scooting a little closer to Max. "You don't seem like the social type of person to put yourself out there."

"Ok. Well guess what? You're wrong! The lie was that I could drive!" You say while smiling. "So wait, you've actually had 3 boyfriends?" Max ask with a tone of shock in his voice. "Yup!"


"Ok why are you treating it like it's the worst thing ever? You've probably had many girlfriends!" After saying that you notice Max go quiet at the last part. "Wait. You've never had a girlfriend?" Max's face goes red and he starts to get embarrassed. "Shut up! I just haven't found the right person yet!" Max says while crossing his arm and turning the other way. You laugh when he does this.

"Hey! I'm sorry. I think it's sweet you're waiting for the right person." You say while patting his shoulder. Max turns back around. "Alright, well I'm still angry."

"Alright I get it."

"Wait, how did a classmate break your arm?"
"Oh it was just an accident, I think."
"What do you mean you think?"
"Some girl just accidentally pushed me down a flight of stairs."
"That's horrible."
"No it's fine, I should have been watching where I was going. And I also feel horrible."
"Because my dad tried to sue the girls parents cause the hospital bill was so expensive."
"Ya it's fine."

"But anyways, it's your turn. So go." Max also taps his chin and begins to think. "Ok I have mine. My favorite color is yellow, I've seen a real ghost, and I'm ambidextrous."

"Come on Max! That's so easy, it's so obvious you've never seen a ghost! Think of another one."
"How is that easy? You didn't even get it r-
"I said personal things about myself so I think you should do the same!"
"Alright fine, let me think again."

"Ok I've got it. I like horror movies, I love musicals, and I've never kissed anyone. Max finishes. "Ok you do look like the horror movie type of guy. And although you've never had a girlfriend, I doubt that you've never kissed anyone. So I'm gonna say the lie is that you love musicals."

"What? What did I get wrong?"
"Although it's embarrassing to say, I've also never kissed anyone either. Max says while looking away with a tint of pink on his face. "What!? Not even in a game of spin the bottle at party's?"
"I don't go out much."
"Well you better find someone soon. Don't wanna miss out on any thing before high schools over."

"I promise if anyone catches my eye I'll make a move." Max says while smirking and looking over to you. You also look over and return the smile.

1220 words
Thank you to those who actually read
this ❤️

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