Fairy Tail: Lucy and Yukino vs. Bracken and Melody! Pt.2

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Bracken's POV

We were all ready to fight, dust to dust. Melody didn't even ready her katana, and I didn't even prepare a vine barrage, this wasn't the fight for that. Instead, our eyes glowed the colour of our aura's, new leaf green and the colour of purified water and waves. Spirit mediums were very different to celestial wizards, in their teachings and in their summonings. The opponents just lifted their keys, and that was all. "I think we should start off easy, everyone summon one spirit each, and after the first spirit is defeated, there is no limit to how many spirits one can summon." Yukino nodded, before a bright and dazzling light shimmered from her golden key, the symbol of Libra, The Balance was embedded on the crest. Lucy smirked, summoning the Raging Bull, Taurus...

Standing formidable, the two spirits stood, waiting for their command. "Summon Yuxi" I heard a whisper in my mind. It was Mel, discussing battle plans with utmost secrecy. I gave a quick nod, before drawing a circle in the air with my hand. Like my hand was a paintbrush, a magic line followed my lead. When the circle was complete, stars of different sizes lined the outer part of the circle, followed by a window into the galaxy and the planets. I had opened a rift in time. "Open! A door to the Alteration Hound! Yuxi!!" I chanted, as my spirit animal leapt through the portal, landing gracefully. Melody followed quickly, doing the same process, casting "Open! A door to the Harmonic Dragon! Nightcore!!" As the portal enlarged to a drastic state, and a dragon flew out, black in colour, and coated with blue etchings. It flapped its wings high above the players, all looked up in awe. Mel and I smiled, Yukino and Lucy gritted their teeth, as all yelled "Go!" At the same time, and the battle begun.

Taurus threw his hammer at the massive dragon, attempting to sever a wing. Nightcore spread its wings, and more blue marks illuminated on its wings. A magical melody was heard, like a techno blast. The sound waves could actually be seen. Wow! Melody really went all out here! The axe flew back at lightning speed toward its sender, landing an inch by its feet. "Consider that a warning!" Melody winked. Libra shifted the gravity of the dragon, making it heavier. Nightcore wasn't ready for this. Now this was my turn! Libra can't handle two opponents at once, so I saw opportunity. Yuxi's ears lightly floated, and Libra was sent hurdling backwards. Then it hit me. Nightcore was plummeting down on Melody!! This is gonna be tough. Nightcore was coated in a light pink, and its rate of descent decreased. I saw the strain on Yuxi's face, and I felt so bad for pushing it so hard.

By now, Nightcore had regained composure, and perched on the ground. "Nightcore has a little secret!" Melody giggled, and the dragon rapidly shrunk into a much smaller, baby dragon. Lucy, Yukino and I all erupted in unison "That's the cutest thing I've ever seen!!" "Nightcore transforms into its normal form if it looses balance, or touches the ground." Melody informed us. It's understandable, I guess. Everything's got a weakness. A weakness which the opponents saw fit. Libra propelled Taurus toward the vulnerable target, and he slashed down the side. Damn it. I could have prevented that, but hey, I don't think Nightcore could have done much after transforming. Melody smiled as Nightcore was enveloped in the same pattern as what was inside the portal, kind of like a colourful silhouette.

"Why the smile Mel?" I asked, unsure of her game. "Nightcore was well able to fly back into the sky, but I made it touch the ground, so I could multi-summon" She quipped, before summoning two new spirits to the battle field. "Open! A door to the Tactician Dog! Lucky!" She chanted, but no spirit came out. Or did it? Lucky was able to turn invisible and be able to read opponents movements, so it was hidden somewhere nearby, but Lucy and Yukino didn't know this. "Must not have worked" Melody sulked. Liar, but clever. I just laughed. "Open! A door to the Glacial Feline! Romeo!" And a snowy white cat with shining silver eyes bounded out. As it hit the floor, its paw prints marked the ground with ice. I had never seen that one before. Mel has been keeping secrets! "You keep your secrets, I keep mine! Open! A door to the Glacial Cub! Glacia!" And a snowy polar bear cub counterpart sat on the ground. Lucy, Melody and Yukino all found Glacia extremely adorable.

Now, Lucy and Yukino had summoned Pisces and Aries, and dived straight into battle. Glacia and Romeo had the exact same powers, so coordination should be easy. I felt a sudden tinge, and I was able to read the spirits attack log now. Thanks Lucky!
[This will be set at the same time as Melody vs. Lucy in pt.3 ^_<]
Bracken vs Yukino

Pisces coiled around one another, and my two spirits decided to take them on. Yuxi lifted Glacia into the air. Glacia scampered along with its stubby legs, and a path of frost followed it. Pisces was very close to my spirit, and out of nowhere, Libra had the cub pinned. It couldn't move, and it made noises of struggle. "I have to eliminate Libra! Get ready to summon again master!" Yuxi ordered, as he ran along the terrain, his ears flopping to and fro. A pink aura whip burst from its chest, and sparks and flecks of aura sizzled from the source of the energy. It connected with Libra, who was concentrating on suppressing Glacia. It coiled around her, and she lost focus, and the spell lifted, Glacia was free. The two were fully coated in pink, and they disappeared. Yukino frowned, and lowered her Libra key, but raised her Polaris key. This is going to be tough. Now it is Polaris and Pisces vs. Yuxi and Glacia. I don't like my odds. I wonder how Mel is doing....?

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