A mysterious woman?

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Chapter 14: Hargeon arrival.

Hours before the event 'Scale' took place in the S Class Trials took place, a ship pulled into Hargeon harbour. The ship was quite large, and was carrying a lot of passengers. The vessel came from Sellfar, a popular tourist attraction, renowned for its fine weather, beautiful beaches and warm waves. The anchor was thrown a sail, and workers on the harbour harboured the ship. The door was opened, and the floods of passengers came walking down, making a colossal orchestra of stomping on the decrepit and ram shackled metal walkway.

Amidst the swarm, a young and mysterious woman, dressed in green and black, wearing headphones and a short skirt was unseen, unnoticed by society. She only had one objective here. Pandora and Kainen...

The strange woman, who was humming along to some Kpop, strode towards the Tourist Information Centre. The building itself wasn't that big, what did you expect for a Tourist Guide? The door glided open gracefully, and the woman saw 8 desks, with two workers behind each. Luckily, there were no tourists in here. She hated tourists. The woman prowled over to the nearest desk. "You! Tell me where I can find mages Pandora Angelwing and Kainen Cheney?" She demanded, slamming her clenched fist on the table. The man was startled, but no too phased. "You take the chill-pill while we find that out, kay?" He chided, and she looked furious, but kept her composure. The man typed onto a computer, which she couldn't see the monitor. "Um.. Are they new here? They don't appear to have residence here... But they are registered with the Fairy Tail guild. Is that what you were looking for?" He asked, and she pondered, playing with some of the strands of her white bob cut. "Thank you for the information, but I'm afraid no one in this room is supposed to know who I am or that I was here" She said, almost sounding reminiscent, walking toward the double doors. She paused, and the workers where utterly confused. At that moment, her headphones glowed white, and the cable disconnected from whatever was in her pockets, and menaced like a serpent beside her. "What kind of magic is that?" A worker asked, calm. "Body charm magic. I can make the clothes on my body come to life for offensive and defensive purposes, care to be the target?" She grinned, and the cable furiously lashed out and whipped one employee. Within seconds, he was covered in scratches and scars, bleeding and writhing. An employee ran for the door, but the woman extended her wool sleeve, and it coiled around the handles, binding them to a halt, and the woman an the door received lashings, screaming. The headphone cord came back to its caster, and she raised her leg, and her high heels illuminated. The heel shot out quicker than the eye could see, and the heel smacked into the only remaining woman, rendering her unconscious. The headphone whip finished off the rest, and she made her escape into the shadows once more....

End of chapter.

So! This is actually a surprise chapter for the Co-author, she knows nothing about this. 😂😋 So are you enjoying the arc? This is where it goes kinda downhill, but in the next couple of chapters, the members of Sabertooth and Blue Pegasus return for the S Class trials! 😋 Isn't that exciting? Heheh, till the next chapter, bye! ^_^

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