The S class trials: Partner Troubles!

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S Class Trial announcements pt.2:

Bracken's POV [Set at the same time as Pt.1]

It was strange today. I felt an unusual excitement in the air. Something was off. Definitely off. I was in the guild hall, having a quick snack before I went on a small-pay quest. I liked to take the small pay ones, mainly because nobody took them and well, its our duty to help those in need. I can take two or three of these at a time, and overall the pay is actually ok, depending on the locations of the quest. They were all easy enough, but I can take harder ones myself, although I'd prefer to do that with my team. I was just about to put the last cookie into my mouth when Makarov appeared on stage. "Everyone, may I please have your attention! Gather round! Thank you. Now, as you know, we haven't been able to host a S class trial in seven years, but that has now changed. I know it's a little early from the usual date, but the S class trials will take place on Tenroe Island!" A lot of happy and excited faces filled the room. Some looked sceptical, others worried. "I am fully aware of what happened last time, but I can assure you, I recently revisited the island and put a full protection spell on the entire island. Only those blessed with the Fairy Tail guild mark will be allowed to enter, and be able to see the island." Now the entire room was cheering. "This year, everyone will be able to watch to action take place with the lacrima cameras I installed all around the island!" He boomed. Normally the other members don't get to see whats going on, but I guess that changed for good! "Now, the moment I'm sure you have all been waiting for... The contestants this year for the annual S class trials are... Natsu Dragneel! Freed Justine! Bracken Enchantria! Scarlet Flowstone! Kainen Shawdoor! Gray Fullbuster! Elfman Strauss! And..." He paused, with each name getting a separate cheer and applause, some louder than others. "Melody Hood! Congratulations those who made it, and to those who didn't, better luck next year."He finished. The guild hall erupted with cheers and joy. I glanced over at Mel, wow, she looks extremely surprised! Countless people patted me on the back and lent their support. "As you also may know, each competitor must choose a partner! No member of this guild is allowed to ask any of them. They must choose themselves! Competitors may not choose any of the current S class wizards. Now... Carry on with the celebrations!" He roared. I laughed to myself, seeing Melody run straight out the guild. I bet she is on her way to Pandora. Oh! Wait! I need to pick a partner! My face brightened pink, I was blushing! I felt something, something strange. Not physical, but something.... Uh? I looked up to see two dozen pairs of eyes on me. I looked straight back down at my cookie, still in my mouth. I chewed awkwardly, knowing I was being watched.

I need to think this through. I don't necessarily need someone 'strong' I just need someone skilful, and they have to be able to know how to use their magic well, and cleverly. I scanned the room, looking for candidates. Juvia, no, plenty of counters. Wait a minute.. Wait a minute!! I glanced over to see Gray asking Juvia to be his partner!! Gray has barely ever paid attention to her. I feel happy for her! Well, that's one pairing down!

Lisanna, no. Bixlow, no, his magic style would interfere with mine. Lucy.... Put her in the maybe pile... Nab, no. Wakaba, maybe, Macao, no, Romeo, no, Wendy, no.... Ugh this is so difficult! I need some time to think.

Time passed. Nothing. Still. I glanced across the room to see Freed asking Bixlow. I think they paired up seven years ago as well. Quite a few pairings had been made already without me noticing, Freed and Bixlow, Gray and Juvia, Natsu and Lucy, Scarlet and Kana, probably Melody and Pandora, and as for Kainen, Elfman and I, we had yet to pick, but time is of the essence, and I must act quickly before someone very skilled is taken. Kainen sat at the bar, alone, not talking, just sitting, and Elfman was talking to Mirajane. The watchful eyes had died down, for the most part that is. I need to think and not overthink.

I want a partner using more or less the same class of magic as me, being the natural earth. I scanned the room again. I spied Evergreen. Hey, she could be a good partner! Lets put her in the running. I kept on looking. My eyes came to a table full of sorcerers. "Is there anyone I can use here...?" I muttered to myself. Yes! There is actually one! Laki! I believe she uses wood make, which is very similar to my powers. Well, that's everyone! I think with some special training, Laki could be very powerful and skilled, and Evergreen doesn't need much training. Ok, I think I will enquire with Evergreen first. That doesn't mean I'm asking her, rather informing her she is in the running.

I stared at her from across the guild hall. Finally we made eye contact. She was weirded out at first, but she caught on when she pointed to herself and I nodded. She discreetly smiled and began to walk across the room. My eyes widened as Elfman intercepted her. "Hey, Evergreen, would you like to be my partner for the S class trials?" Well thats no very fair! I saw her blush and she nodded. "You disgust me" I said, glaring at both of them, oblivious to my stare.

Well, I guess that leaves Laki. I stood up from my table and walked over to hers. She was talking with her friends, so I just tapped her on the shoulder. "Hey, can I speak with you for a minute?" I asked. "Sure," she said and we walked to a much less quiet part of Fairy Tail. "What is it?" She asked, smiling. "W-would you care to be my partner in the S class trial?" I asked, kinda shaky, in fear I'd be turned down. She didn't reply, just stood there, eyes wide open. "It's ok if you wanna say no" I offered. "A-are you kidding..?" She whispered. I was kinda scared, I'm not gonna lie. I was wondering if she would freak out. "I'D LOVE TO!!!" She screamed, and a wave of relief washed over me. Without warning she sprang forward and hugged me. I started laughing. "Heheh, that's great, we should begin training as soon as your ready." "Ok! Sounds great to me! Wow, this is amazing! I've never been picked as a partner before!" I smiled. "I think we could make a great team"

Laki returned to the guild hall, and I decided to head to the training centre. I'm sure at least one of the rooms was free, with everyone training and all. I took out my phone. It was quite basic, but it did the job, text and ring. I dialled Melody's number. She finally picked up. "Hello?" "Hey Mel! It's me, Bracken!" "Well yeah, I know that, your name flashed up on my phone, doy." Melody tended to be sarcastic but always deny it, I decided to let this one fly. "Have you picked a partner. Wait. Lemme guess... Pandora!" I asked. "Yup! It was kinda obvious, don't you think?" "Too easy. But I bet you can't guess who I've picked?" She paused. "It's Laki." "Whaaat?! How can you tell?!" "C'mon Bracken, were both spirit mediums, I would have thought you'd have gotten that one.." "Regardless, what do you think?" "Well, with some training, you really have something special going on!" "Thanks, and I know you and Pandora are great together!" "Were at the training centre right now, want to come down and join us for some lunch? Maybe we can face off in a simulation?" "Just lunch, we don't want to give away battle coordinations, I'm on to your tricks!" "Damn, got me! Well played Bracken!" We both laughed. "Well, I suppose I can head over and chat, no harm in that, I will text Laki now, ok, see ya soon!" "Bye!" I hung up, and started to walk...

Laki's POV

I sprinted into the guild hall. I can't wait to tell the others. Wow, this is such a rush! Someone actually sees potential in me. I burst in the door, not surprisingly, zero heads turned. I saw my friends, Nab, Vijeter, Wakaba, Maccao, and Kinana. "Guys!" Panted, out of breath. "B... Br-Bracken has chosen me as his partner for the S class trials..!!!" I managed to say. "Hey, thats great!" "Yeah! Well done Laki!" "Wow! Thats amazing!" "Knock em' dead!" Said assorted voices. I felt so happy, finally my time has come to shine! I sat with my friends, enjoying the praise. The other guild members got word. I heard sounds of unbelief, and approval, it was mixed. "How could a weakling like her ever be chosen by him?" "I'm happy for her!" "Hope she does great!" "Why couldn't he have chosen me?! It seems like a wasted opportunity for a partner" "Laki's super tough! She'll knock out the competition!" Hearing such kind words, honestly made me tune out the negative. Then I felt it, the butterflies, just fluttering around my stomach, and I can feel their wings, making me feel a thousand feet in the air. What if I'm not good enough? What if I'm not strong enough? What if I drag Bracken down? I felt the darkness closing in, fear enveloping me. The darkness faded as my phone vibrated. I read the screen. "Hey Laki it's Bracken, come down to the training centre as soon as you're ready. Please don't worry, we are going to do great! I have complete faith in you! Cya later!" Bracken. 14:52. The butterflies faded, the darkness turned to light. I felt great. Bracken's kind words reassured me. I looked across the room. Grey was staring at me. I felt uncomfortable right now. Come to think of it, Freed was stating too, so was Bixlow, Evergreen, Juvia, Elfman, and Scarlet. I didn't care though. Bracken has made me realise that I don't need to be scared anymore. I rushed out the guild hall, and down the cherry blossom scattered path toward the training centre, not a care in the world. I felt the warmth of the sun, and the enlightening aroma of morning dew on the lilies. The birds flew around in gentle blue sky, and nestled in the trees. 'What a great day' I thought. Who knows what the rest of today will bring? Then, I heard the sound of stealthy running sneaking up behind me.....

End of chapter...

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, writing a chapter takes a while >_< As always, please vote if you enjoy and if you like, leave a comment either of constructive criticism, suggestions for a new chapter, quest, spirit, fight etc. Cya later!

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