Fairy Tail: The return of The Elemon trio, and the begining of Team Fairy Oasis!

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_____________ The Legendary Team Fairy Oasis _____________

It was an ordinary day at the guild hall of Fairy Tail. The guild members were futilely brawling, havoc was being created, Wakaba was smoking, Cana was drinking, Juvia was obsessing over Gray becoming one with he cold. But what everyone didn't know, was that the return of old guild members was imminent.

"Fire dragon slash PUNCH!!!" Natsu yells with a squirming Maccao under him. "Ice make... Snowfall!" Gray chants as ice and snow falls from the sky. "Hey! Cut it out, morons!"Lucy shouts from across the bar. Suddenly, the guild hall door is burst open. Silence fills the room. The intense light makes it difficult to see who it is. "Who is that? Friend or foe?!" Erza calls, whilst re-quipping into her flame empress armour. "Friends!" The voices call. At that moment, the light clears. The figures of three young mages emerge, but still silence. Erza notices two girls and a boy, all looking fourteen years old or so, plain outfits and auras of brilliant power and energy. "Uh...y-you probably don't remember us..." The girl on the right starts."But we are all members of Fairy Tail," There can be multiple whispers heard of unbelieving voices. The girl on the left looks shy and nervous at this. "Th-the reason you don't remember us, is, before we left on the quest that we were all sure would kill us, I cast a memory aroma spell on the members of Fairy Tail present 9 years ago, in case that if we didn't come back, there wouldn't be unnecessary grieving, tears and sadness, but now that the memory spell has been exposed, all of the members present should have their memories of us restored." There is a long pause, and even people's breathing can be heard."Uh... W-wait! I think I remember you now!" A man from the crowd shouts. Lucy, Juvia, Wendy and all the other new members are baffled. "Thats the legendary trio, Elemon!!!" The man shouts. "Elemon?" Questions Lucy. "Yes," Erza replies."They are a legendary magic trio, famous for having each member specialise in one of the core elements, being water, fire and nature. I believe the girl on the left is Melody Hood, elite mage of water, enchantments and song powers. She has many spells and spirits, but she is not a celestial wizard, rather a spirit medium, being able to briefly glimpse into the future and conjure spirits. Melody is illustrious for her Granwyrm spell, conjuring up a fire dragon all from her pendant. This dragon is no fake, and possess immense power, along with many other powerful spells to come, for example Familia, which I hope isn't used against any of you. Her water abilities are second to none, she is crafty with her power, and knows how to use it. She also possesses a magic dagger, which posses the power to change its form into almost any handheld weapon. Although she may not look like much, she is not to be underestimated under any circumstances, and the same applies for her colleagues. Next is the fearless Bracken Enchantria. He has full control over nature, and his magic has three forms: Natural Vine form, Sakura form and Solar Energy form. You may ask him yourselves if you want to find out what they do. As far as I know, Vine form is when he uses multiple vines for offensive and defensive purposes. This also entails wood, trees and animal control, allowing him to gain full control over any animal or creatures that represent animals or share their DNA. Next is Sakura form, specialising in cherry blossom trees and leafs. He can quickly surround you with the petals and make powerful objects with his Sakura-make abilities, along with Sakura body, being able to become one with the petals, being able to dodge attacks quickly by turning his body into sakura petals. He also has full control over flowers, trees, roots, grass and aromas. His Solar Energy form is done only by absorbing the life out of the flowers, plants , trees and grass to unlock this. It is often considered fire magic, as its very hot and intense. Solar beam is his signature here. He cannot conjure up animals, except for two, a dog and a cat with their own magical properties. Is far as I know, they are a dog and a cat. The dog's name is Yuxi, he is a Basset Hound, and he has telekinesis and minor telepathy powers, and he can also talk. The cat, not to mention, not an exceed, has the ability to polymorph into a tiger to fight and also possesses the ability to clone himself, although the clones are much weaker than the cat, whose name is Nova, they can still deceive. And that girl on the right with the scarlet red lipstick is Scarlet Flowstone, a mage specialising in chemical fusion. Her combinations are endless and her trickery never ending. Scarlet has a vast imagination when it comes to her contraptions, the "Thought-bombs" allowing her to conjure up almost anything her imagination limits her to. She minors in fire magic, much like Natsu. Scarlet also has hair powers, very much like Flare Corona, minus the fire. She is almost never defeated in battle, and the same goes for her team. Together, they make the legendary trio Elemon. As regards why the still look fourteen is something I should ask them. They are all SS class wizards and are never to be challenged in battle, you got that Natsu? I believe they are back from a century quest, yet it only took them 9 years, which goes to show their strength. I am no match for any one of them, and bear in mind I only skimmed over all of their magic capabilities." Another long pause awaits... Then the guild erupts with cheering and yelling, as the guild members celebrate their new mages. "Throw on another gallon for me, to celebrate!" Cheers Cana. "Heheh, you'd be throwin' on another gallon anyways" Wakaba jives."What was that?! You wanna say that again?!" Cana yells, and the brawling sparks up again! From across the room, Makarov smiles to himself, and he has known all along, he was patiently waiting for his mages to return. he had high hopes and above all, faith that his wizards would return.
"Welcome back Fairy Tail's strongest members and strongest team!!! Makarov yells. All cheer, except for the members of team Elemon, who all look guilty and upset. After the celebration dies down, Lucy approaches Melody. "Hey! Im Lucy Heartfilia, celestial wizard and super happy to have you have you back from the quest you were on... I-.. I-I'm sorry, but I couldn't help notice that you weren't joining in with the festivities... I-Is there something going on...?" Lucy asks. There is no response from Melody for a while, but then a loud exhale. "Yes. It's always hard coming back to a guild after a long quest, claiming the well-earned titles, such as Bracken taking the title of best grass mage, in placy of Droy. Natsu not being the only fire mage and same goes for Juvia and I, and one of us taking the title of strongest member of Fairy Tail in place of Guildarts." Melody exclaims sadly. Lucy pats her shoulder."Cheer up! I think we are all just glad you made it back from your mission! Natsu won't be too perturbed, I'm sure Juvia is elated and as for Droy, he won't mind" She quips. Melody's demeanour is suddenly changed, and after a quick reassuring glance at Bracken and Scarlet, they all appear happier and join in with the celebrations. Lucy blushes at the notion of her making three people change so drastically. Melody sits with Lucy and Cana. "My other teammates should be coming any second now too!" She remembers cheerfully. "Ok! And who might they be? Erza said nothing about two more of you, care to explain?" Cana asks. Melody nods, just as Bracken sits down beside her and introduces himself. "We found them along the way of our century quest, which by the way was very exhausting. The secret dark guild, known as Ombre Mind, has been destroying guilds, both minor and major, trying to conceal their acts as much as possible. There were only two survivors of a particular destroyed guild, Pandora the Angel Healer, and Kainen the Shadow mage. We all saw much potential in them, and decided to take them along with us, and they were very happy to do so. If I were to guess what rank they would be in Fairy Tail, Kainen being S class, and Pandora on the verge of becoming S class. Pandora is a support healer, but minors in flying and angel fighters, being figures or objects or weapons made out of snow white feathers. Kainen is the master of illusion and trickery. You can ask him yourself about his magic, it's a little complex! We thought they would make an excellent addition to team Elemon, and they do, but Elemon is a trio, but from now on, we will be known as Team Fairy Oasis!" Melody ends is a high note. Cana and Lucy are positively overwhelmed but this news. "This is true," Bracken interjects. "They have already arrived and are talking to Makarov in the library as we speak regarding joining the guild. Oh! Mel, we need to speak to Mira about getting our guild marks again. A member of Ombre Mind burned them off in a battle, and Kainen and Pandora don't have them, so you get to choose again!" Bracken adds.
After a short wait, Master Makarov has let Kainen and Pandora join Fairy Tail. Team Fairy Oasis regroups and the guild hall is back to normal. Mira approaches them. "Here to get your guild marks? Tell me where!" Mira says happily. "Uh, I'll have mine on the back of my neck!" Bracken requests. "I'll have mine on my the top of my left hand" Said Scarlet. "Mine will be on my right palm!" Kainen announces. "And mine on the top of my right thigh!" Pandora cheers. "And I'll have mine under and below my right hand, where the veins are, directly below the wrist" Said Melody. Mira stamps us each in turn, and it's official, Fairy Tail has 5 more present members! The guild marks are colours of brilliant white and blue, like the sky [Pandora], blood-like scarlet [Scarlet], a deep green like the vines and leaves [Bracken], a dark, mystic blue-black [Kainen] and a purified colour of the water and waves [Melody]. At the same time, all of members of Fairy Oasis raise their hands in unison, bearing the infamous Fairy Tail "L" hand gesture. "Together to fight for justice!!!" They all chant.

End of Chapter.

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