Training day pt.2: Scarlet Vs. Kainen!

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Scarlet vs Kainen!

Bracken's POV

A small crowd had gathered, being the guild members present at the table in the previous chapter. They were Gray, Natsu, Lucy, Erza, Cana Carla and Wendy. Pandora restored the surroundings, and kept the battlefield at the same location. Melody had fully recovered from our battle. The protective magic bubble went up, and the fighters readied themselves. "Hey! Good luck out there!" I call to them. They both smile and nod. "Everyone ready?!" Pandora shouts. "Ready!" They both call. The crowd looks eager to see how ex SS class wizards can handle things.

Scarlet's POV.

I glance over the battlefield, which is a simulation version of Fairy Tail Guild hall. I hold my gaze with Kainen, as the numbers on the wall count down from 10. I know I have been underestimated a lot, and I often get called dumb, but overall, I'm a different person on the battlefield. I wasn't nervous at all. Ok, maybe just a little bit, but who wouldn't be? The numbers now displayed 4. I had a slight plan of action in my head, I'm just hoping everything goes accordingly. 3. 2. 1.... Go! Kainen sends a ball of shadows my way, but I'm quick to dodge, I did a tuck and roll, then immediately sent a flame wheel hurtling at him. He side stepped as a shadow clone, then the clone darted toward me. I guess we are going up close and physical now, something I can handle. A knife of darkness skimmed my side. You wouldn't think it, but shadows hurt too, and they hurt like hell albeit. The clone kept running. I formed at chemical bomb, then crashed it at his feet. At first it was like glue, and his shady feet were trapped. He fell over at this, then a great light billowed from the glue, and the shadow was banished. I didn't stop the pace there though. I too possess the power to clone my body. Two shadow clones emerged and threw their daggers. Kainen vanished, but I could see a shadow trailing across the floor. I ran, trying to avoid him. A hand emerged from the shadow, grabbing my ankle and tripping me over. I tried to get up quickly, but he reappeared in front of me, giving a shadow kick to the stomach. I was badly wounded. I managed to stop wincing and opened my eyes. He was gone. I saw the shadow on the ceiling. He was about to drop down when I cracked a thought bomb onto the floor. A purple goop spread like wildfire, practically enveloped the entire floor in this substance. It did not effect me of course, but for Kainen it was too late. His feet stuck hard to the floor, I saw how he tried to sink into the floor but was unable to do so. I smirked. "Gotcha" I whispered. "Fire wave!" I boomed as a shockwave of fire was dispersed from my body. Kainen only fell flat onto the goop, and I decided to use my hair magic! The goop vanished, and I entangled him with hair, creating fists with the remaining hair. I sent them toward him, but he managed to lop off the tangling hair at the last second and he fell to the floor. I smirked again, but it only left me open. A clone punched me from behind. I'm really not sure who is winning. This match could go either way, but I want to win! Two bombs fell out of my hands, and the light once again enveloped the clone. "Fire archer! Go" I yelled, as an archer made entirely of flames spawned from the S class floor, and it's aim was quick and accurate. Kainen yelled with pain as the arrow went through him, then the fire vanished. I fashioned a fire whip, and he shadow morphed into his shadow armour and katana. He swung viscously with the katana. It chopped of a few strands of my scarlet hair, he was quick. He went for an overhead chop, and as he was bringing down the sword, I held the two ends of the whip, stopping the blow. I kicked him away, but he was quick to recover. I swung my whip around. I swung high, then low, rolled, then low again. It wrapped around his feet and he fell to the floor. I tried to strike him with it, but the katana blocked me from doing so. I needed to get rid of the katana. I should probably listen to my late grandfathers words. 'Weaken you're opponent before you go in for the kill' is what he would say. Obviously I'm not going to kill Kainen, but the same can be applied. He parried, and I coiled the whip around the katana, then with all my might, I was able to disarm him. The katana was lodged in a wooden pole, and I ran and grabbed it. I held the katana in my left hand, whip in the right. "Wrong move." Uttered Kainen, I was confused at first, but then a burning sensation filled me. The katana was burning with shadows. I fell to the ground, and he took the katana back and lunged for my throat. A last second thought bomb fell, and a galaxy porthole emerged, and absorbed the katana, then vanished. I swiped his feet, and then holding my dagger, and put one foot on his chest, and held the knife to his throat. Pandora declared me the victor, and the simulation ended. The onlookers applauded and cheered, and I started to blush! Bracken rushed over and hugged me, then helped Kainen up. He was fine too, and Pandora already had his health restored. "Great battle!" He called. "How will you fare against me? I'll be ready!" He cheers.

In the rest area of the training room, the Fairy Tail guild members all decide to sit and have a drink. "Awesome fightin' out there!!! I wanna battle you next, Melody!" Natsu roars, and Melody blushes at his determination. "Sure thing, give it all you got! When the time comes that is, not today, another time though?" Melody replies. Wendy sips her drink with Carla, and Carla can tell Wendy wants to be friends with them because of their age. "Leave that group be, child" quips Carla. "They aren't really you're age, weren't you listening to Yuxi?" She adds. Wendy blushes and looks sad. "I'm sure I will make friends with them, regardless of their real age!" Wendy says playfully, her eyes look full of hope. "So now you all had a LITTLE taster of our magic, it's time for all of us to get settled back into Fairy Tail!" Bracken says, and the rest of team Fairy Oasis nod and smile.

After a while, in the early evening, just as the sun is setting and the sky is filled with a warm orange glow, Melody, Bracken and Scarlet are heading back down the cherry blossom tree path. Kainen and Pandora went ahead. "So how about our new living situation?" Scarlet asks. Bracken ponders the thought, then "Uhh... I'm fairly sure I have a house somewhere around here. It should still be ok cause you told me when I gave you the money just before we went on the century quest that you had it under control and it was organised for your rent, right?" He said, staring at Scarlet, who looks very embarrassed and guilty. "Heh heh.. About that... I forgot.... And we are actually staring at where your house should be..." She said, pointing at an empty field, with a 'For Sale' sign grounded into the mud. Bracken narrows his eyes... "I'm gonna kill you!!!!!! First you make us young forever and now my house is gone?!?!" Bracken barks in frustration. Melody can't help but laugh. "Oh Scarlet, you and your brain.." Melody giggles. The trio walk off into the warm sun, laughing, raging and talking.

What will happen next? Well, they will all get their houses of course! And take on a quest! Vote and comment and hopefully the next issue will be up at 85 reads or so [Of the whole series] So let me know if you are enjoying it and would like more, I'm seriously dying to know 😂

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