Fairy Tail: Ohashi joins!

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Bracken's POV.

I was lifted down to the fallen leaves by the vine outside my house, and I immediately started to run for Melody's house, which she told me earlier was all set up. The hard and crisp leaves crunched beneath my agile feet, imprinting foot tracks as I went. The run was only 30 seconds, and I found her house easily. Several windows were left open to let in the afternoon breeze...

I knocked on the wooden door, and it opened immediately. I was not greeted by Melody at the door, rather than the startling Familia ghost sent by her command. As the door closed, the windows slammed shut, curtains pulled and lights darkened. Silence. The only sound that could be heard was my own breathing.. My brow furrowed at is unusual encounter, but my mind focused as the sound of a match striking off the side of the box was heard. The blazing light illuminated the room, and the flame was held next to a purple candle, and it took the flame. I smiled. I knew what this meant. Melody had figured out a new way to contact and make a contract with a spirit. We had done this many times before. Some were successful, some were not. It all depends on the spirits in the air. "Sit." She ordered solemnly. I let out a slight giggle, taken aback by her firmness, even though she could burst out laughing any second.

A cushion lay beneath me. I sat cross legged by the light of a single candle beside an oak table. "Concentrate your mind, we're going into the Spirit Medium Realm..." She hushed, and I focused. Everything was in perfect alignment in my mind, I was truly focused. A blue star appeared left of Melody's foot, followed by many others, all of different sizes. The circle of stars connected, and all of our surroundings turn hazy. Eventually, when the ground stopped slightly vibrating, we appeared to be in a galaxy of stars, and monuments made of all sorts of colours were seen. "Shame there is no one here to greet us, anyway, hop aboard your wisp.." "Of course. It is always interesting to see what dream land you end up in next, well, cya soon!" I ended. Wisps are magical flame sprites that can guide dreams from one medium to another. Touching 'Your wisp' will send you on whatever dream that wisp is donning.

A blue flame, like the water, floated down from above, and floated around Melody. "Well, that's my stop!" She called, before touching the flame and vanishing with the wisp, soon to return. For minutes I waited for mine to come. It is uncertain when your wisp will come, but it is usually never long...

5 minutes later, a dark green wisp zoomed and curved around me, and I laughed at his eagerness. Touching the flame, I became one, and faded...

The Wisp's Dream

I was in a rainforest, the rain was tumbling down onto the soaked leaves, falling off each other, and dampening the soil. As I walked through the woodland path, I noticed a bird, a toucan to be exact. I felt a strong presence of magic potential radiating from it. I always try to make this process as fast as possible. I forgot to mention that if you find anything in the Wisp's dream, and you make a contract with it, you can bring it out of the dream and summon it whenever you like, in Earthland that is. "I sense great magic energy from you, mind telling me your name?" I asked it, uncaring if it looked weird. "*Squawk!* Name's Ohashi! Please tell me you are going to free me from this never ending dream?!" It quailed, and I laughed. "Sure, but what is your power though?" I asked, curious over it. "I don't want to show you now, only summon me in battle, I really need a target for that kinda stuff." "Well, I have complete faith in you, your magic levels tell me so. I take it you are gold ranking?" "Yes, gold. My whole family was too!" "I only obtain animal spirits, so you are more than welcome if you wanted to join my team?" "Of course!!! This guy has been in a coma for like 6 months and he has the same dumb dream constantly. I want to be free!" "Sure, I will link us with an aura chain." I said, before chanting the spell. A chain of pure magic energy, dark green in colour, burst from my palms, and it connected with this bird named Ohashi. Its aura colour fused with mine, colours of brilliant yellow. After a brief few moments, finally, "It is done, I can summon you at any time" I cheered, smiling. The bird perched on my shoulder "Hey, now! I don't want to look like a pirate!" I protested, but the bird laughed. A spirit animal, or for at matter any being from the spirit medium realm can talk, but you just hear it in your mind. Yuxi can physically talk, but Nova and Ohashi can't. The wisp reappeared, and swirled around the air. It was time to go. I extended my arm, and touched the purple flame...

I have another chapter ready that I will post in a few hours ^_< Thanks for reading! Don't forget to check out my FnaF series if you like ^_< It is going to be really fun writing the fight ^_^ Till then!

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