Fairy Oasis: Training day! Bracken vs. Melody!

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Training day: Test your strengths!

Early in the morning, just as the birds began to sing, the members of Fairy Oasis decide to practice their skills and improve with magic strength. "I'm kinda thinking we should have a little tourney battle, what do you think, guys?" Bracken asks, as he hops merrily down the narrow path, scattered with cherry blossom tree leaves towards the Fairy Tail Training grounds. Melody and Scarlet make considerations. "Sure! Count me in!" Scarlet booms. "Me too. I've been longing for a good battle!" Melody adds. Bracken looks over at Kainen for his approval, and he gives a solemn nod. Kainen doesn't talk very often, but it's not unheard of. He just is a quiet character, adding more and more illusion and mystery to his demeanour. "Count me out," Pandora starts."Im not a very offensive type mage, I specialise in support and healing magic, however, I'm more than happy to sit out and help set up the training simulation!" Pandora offers. Bracken give a quick nod, then pushes open the steel gate toward the training ground. The reason it's a little far out from the guild is that if a powerful spell goes wrong, or a spell has high proximity explosion damage, the guild probably shouldn't be caught up in the middle of it.

The training centre has two parts, indoor and outdoor. We were headed for the indoor part. This was a state of the art simulation facilities, run by an archive-type lacrima. Such features such as training bots, surroundings and playing field and obstacles or objects can be used. Today, this was core training, no training bots or unnecessary weapons spawned, just the two fighters and their magic. The lacrima also had the feature to prevent death, stopping the simulation when a player had reached a certain health level, 40% or so. Even still, after the battle is over, Pandora will just heal the wounded ally.

The archive lacrima had set up a random draw system, to see who is battling. The names were projected on a blank wall on the far side of the room. Pandora hit a switch, and the names revealed "Melody vs. Bracken, Kainen vs. Scarlet!" Everyone smiled at this. In team Fairy Oasis, the members are fairly matched, you win some, you lose some, that type of deal. The reason Kainen hadn't made SS class was because he is only new. Pandora doesn't mind being normal class, and they will try to take as many normal class quests as possible, and Makarov has agreed to let Pandora tag along with S class, but definitely not SS class. "Are we all ready?" Bracken asks. All nod. Bracken takes a deep exhale, and he is focused for the fight. "Hey, Pandora, please set the arena to 'Fairy Tail guild hall' please?" Melody asks. Melody does this, as she knows there are lots of interesting angles to tackle an opponent from, as well as being better than boring flat ground.

Fight 1: Melody vs. Bracken!
Bracken's POV]

I needed to focus. Focus my thoughts... Focus my words... Focus my magic. Right, done that! Now, I needed to gather my profile on Melody. Well, she is a powerful Spirit Medium, water enchanter, spell caster and music fighter. She is crafty and clever, especially with her dagger and her spirits. Water is generally not an issue, as my grass magic absorbs water and only makes me stronger. No doubt she will summon her telekinesis dog, Lucky without me knowing, under one of her spells. The guild hall appeared in front of me. Although it was simulation, the objects were not illusions."Are you both ready?" Pandora asks, as we both nod and agree. "Good luck Bracken!" Melody calls from across the hall. The protective containment shield was put up around the arena so that magic power can't escape.

The golden projection shield was projecting numbers, counting down from 5. I readied myself. 3. I breathed. 2. Melody and I held each others gaze. 1. We both took our battle stances. Go! Appeared on the walls. Kainen and Scarlet were intently watching. I felt the power surge within me. I lifted my leg, then stomped my foot hard on the ground, the wooden planks uprooting continuing in a train towards Melody. The wood was uplifted slightly and had jagged rough edges. Melody used water magic to propel herself to a safe distance, but didn't hesitate to fire a dozen spears of water hurtling my way the instant she touched the floor. She was trying to catch me off guard, but my water absorption has a slight hitch, it can only absorb during Vine form. I raised my hands and a shield of bracken moss and wood spurted from the vines coming from my sleeves. The water simply dripped off, and I morphed the shield into vines, which were sent her way. She jumped, flipped and dodged with everything she could to avoid the vines. Mel climbed the stairs to the S class floor, each individual vine trying to catch her, but getting stuck while going through the banisters. Melody flipped off the second floor, used song magic to ease the strength of the decent. She sent her dagger flying through my direction. I had to change to Sakura form. The knife went straight through me, my lower chest area becoming entirely cherry blossom petals, then resealing again. Although I'm not very offensive, I still have to try. With out warning, I propelled my self toward Mel, my body made out of solid petals. Mel sidestepped, but I reformed to swipe her legs. She fell to the floor. Reforming fully, I was in the air above her. "Sakura make... Power Hammer!!!" I chanted as the petals flowed from my hands and sleeves, forming into a hammer. It crashed down hard on the ground, but Melody rolled last second. "Alright, here goes... Ignaise!" Melody uttered. There was a glint of light from under my feet, getting more intense. A flaming pillar of intense fire billowed and I was unfortunately caught in the blast, my hammer was destroyed. I wouldn't be able to use my solar energy magic, as I had no access to trees or plants. I felt mildly injured, but it takes more than that to take me down. My hands turned into solid wood, they extended and I aimed for Melody. She dodged the first, but was skimmed in the thigh by the second. How is she doing this? Its almost like she is reading my attacks, but she doesn't have the capability to do so. Unless... Yes! It's a spirit! There is a disguised spirit somewhere here. "You summon your animals, I summon mine!" I shouted as I snapped my palm at the ground beside me. My Basset Hound Yuxi appeared. "Can I help you, master?" He asks in a mature sounding voice. "Yes, put a light gravity up-wave on the entire arena for a few seconds, then we will really see what's going on here." I asked, and I saw Melody's reaction, meaning she knows I'm right. I took this opportunity to entangle her in vines, a momentary difficult to break bond was formed, and an invisibility cloak flew towards the ceiling, and a small and cute puppy was seen trying to scamper away in the gravity, but failing miserably. "I recognise it! Thats Lucky! He can read an opponents movements and send them to its owner, and not that its uncovered, Yuxi!" I said, as Yuxi's floppy ears slightly floated with his aura, and a pink aura whip connected the two, and light sprouted from the two, and with a flash of light, they both vanished. They had returned both back to the Spirit Medium realm. The bond holding Melody faded, and she sang a song note that sent a shockwave of music that knocked me back. I struggled to stand, but I still have a strong fighting spirit! "Time to end this!" Melody calls. Her flexes her palm and snaps it out at me. She takes a loud exhale, then "Granwyrm!" Is what she utters. Air is sucked into her pendant for a brief few seconds, then an abrupt 'click' sound is heard. At that moment I can see fire pouring and oozing out of the pendant. The fire continues, then forms together to take the form of a mighty fire dragon. He is made of light and various colours of fire, being shades of red. We are a sizeable distance away from each other, as Melody knocked me back to the edge, and the same goes for her. The dragon only got bigger, awaiting her order. I didn't know what to do. I panicked, I'm nervous and above all, I'm feeling fear. Is there a way out of this? There must be! Thats it! I have it! Flower bomb seeds poured from my sleeves and I flung them on the ground behind me. "Thats not going to work!" Melody called. "Nothing can stop the Granwyrm!!!" She added manically. Still, flower bombs were impacted in the space behind and in front and everywhere around me. Lots and lots of simple flowers spawned, and I was surrounded. Remember when I said I have full control over nature? Have a look! I spread my arms wide and a ripple of my dark green aura burst in all directions. The flowers started to grow and expand, not to a drastic size, but moderately big. At this point, Granwyrm was fully charged, and she commanded it against me. The dragon charged, at a fast pick up speed. It opened its fiery mouth in preparation to swallow me and combust. "Now!" I shouted, as the flowers started to spin in unison. Wind energy was generated, but not enough. "Vine make... Power Fan!" I shouted as a large fan made of vines spawned behind me, generating more wind energy. I sprouted miniature spinning flowers all along both of my arms. The Granwyrm was being slowed as it neared. Even more flower bombs fell from my hands and the wind energy was overwhelmingly strong. Melody was drastically taken back, her stunned facial expressions showed it all, it has been over 30 seconds and Granwyrm hadn't bested me yet. The Granwyrm couldn't take it. It was being pushed back towards it's summoner. Melody couldn't de-summon it and she was looking very fearful. The Granwyrm was not the same shape, more like a mass of moving fire energy. All the onlookers were very surprised at this last second comeback. The fire energy reached Melody and the light intensified. The rest was a blur to me...

End of Chapter.

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