Fairy Tail: Fairy Oasis: Erza's Cake

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Chapter 14: A week to train!

A day proceeding the events of the "Scale" event, Makarov has gathered the teams in the training centre...

"Attention! Attention! May I please have your silence.....? Thank you," he started, and no one quite knew what this was about. "Every two trials, we will have a week long break, to give you time to train or prepare yourself for the next trial, and as you all know, Scale was our second trial, so you have the week off" He announced, and determination filled the air, and all the teams were happy to have been given such an opportunity, knowing what they are up against. "It really is up to you what you do with your week. You can train, you can relax, you can do whatever you wish, but you should know yourselves what the right thing to do is..." "PARTY" Someone yelled. "BOOZE!" Cana roared. "SING!" Melody followed on, and everyone was laughing. "I'm glad you all can find good humour in almost any situation, I'm lucky to have people like you in the guild" He smiled, and the teams cheered. "You may stay at the training centre or do whatever you feel like" He ended, before hopping down off the table he was standing on and heading to the bar. Many of the members of the team joined him, and Kinana and Mirajane served them drinks. Melody giggled to herself, before walking out into the warm sunset sky'd air, accompanied by Pandora, Bracken and Laki. She took in the air, and there was something special today to Melody that she thought should be cherished, perhaps it was that everyone was getting along so nicely. The group sat down on a table onlooking the weir, and the sound of the gentle flowing water and the echo of delectable bird chiming enlightened the air. "If only everyday could be as peaceful as this.." Melody reminisced. The group agreed. "So, Melody, I think I've had enough of staying with Erza, and it's time for us to find a house, I think we should start looking today, while the sun is still up." Bracken quipped, and Melody nodded, then laughed. "Did you not like Erza or something?" She chortled, and Bracken's face went a shade of pinky-red. "No! It's not that, it's just.. Well.. Never try to eat her cake..." He muddled, and at this point everyone was on the floor in stitches. After a brief few moments, or what seemed an eternity for Bracken, the group gained composure, before cracking up again. "You should have known that Bracken. Heheheh, never mess with Erza when it comes to cakes!..... So.... How many bones did she break?" Melody managed to spurt, and couldn't contain the laughter. "None! For you information. I managed to escape completely unharmed, but I think we are getting off topic." He tried to say firmly, but broke into laughter too, even he found it funny. "Ok! Let's get going! Hey Pandora and Laki, do you wanna come too?" Melody asked kindly. "Um, yeah, sure, I have a nice eye for this kind of stuff" Laki chimed. "Count me in, adventures come in all sorts of shapes and sizes!" Pandora whooped, and the quartet of wizards set off down the woodland path, leading into the city centre. Buying a house in this world is much easier than what you would think, similar to buying a loaf of bread, all you have to do is hand over the money and they house is yours. You have two options: 1) Pay the total sum upfront, and live without paying monthly rent, or 2) Pay a starting price, and then monthly rent until the total sum is payed off, but the base regulation is that you can enter your house as soon as either one of the options is completed. Bracken, Melody and Scarlet all lost their houses during the century quest, as everyone thought they were dead, so they sold on the houses. The group, including Pandora and Kainen, received a lot of money for the quest, so they should all be able to opt for option 1 no doubt...

Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted a new chapter in a week, I was a little bit stumped for ideas, and I went back to school from the Easter Holidays, so I decided to make this a short chapter, with no fighting, because we really have not had one of those in quite some time xD The week long break for chapters won't have TOO many fights, we need to have more peaceful and story building stuff, but trust us, there is a lot of new and exciting action coming your way, and it's obvious who from. We are planning to write a fnaf and a pokémon fanfiction series [Both separate] so let us know in the comments what you would like to see in it, if you are excited, or what you would like to happen in the next couple of chapters of Fairy Oasis, we will probably add it in ^_^ Bye for now! ^_<

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