Devious Deed pt.2!

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The S Class Trails: Devious Deed part 2!

Bracken's P.O.V

With a plan of action in our heads, Laki and I set off on our destination, the Botanical Gardens of Magnolia. For just a quick reminder, this is the S Class Trails seven years after the last one on Tenroe Island. The teams are: Laki and I, Melody and Pandora, Scarlet and Kana, Elfman and Evergreen, Natsu and Lucy, Freed and Bixlow, Gray and Juvia and Kainen and Gajeel. Our first task was to do something 'devious' to the citizens of Magnolia, without physically harming the public. It is currently 12 hours till the deadline, and now its our turn to strike! So far, Melody and Pandora, Scarlet and Kana, Bixlow and Freed and Gray and Juvia have all done their devious deed. The points would be awarded when the deadline is reached. The rules are are follows: Do not harm the public physically. You are not allowed to be seen or noticed by the other members of Fairy Tail, failure to do so will result in an immediate 0 points. Only the top three will be awarded points. With the rules fresh in my memory, Laki and I ran along the woodland... Along to the Botanical Gardens...

We were fortunate enough that the Woods of Magnolia were not a popular destination for citizens and tourists alike, well, not this part anyway. "How are you doing? Holding up fine?" I asked, just in case Laki felt like stopping. "Yeah, I'm fine thank you..... Wait..!" She said in a hushed tone, stopping suddenly. I stopped too, and looked around. Then I heard it, the sound of the crunching leaves and snapping twigs.. Someone was coming! I panicked. "What do we do?" "We can't be seen or else we might as well say farewell to this round... Uhh.. Here!" She started, grabbing my sleeve and pressing me against a large tree. "Hows that going to work?" I asked, sceptical. "Relax, would ya? Wood merge!" She called. I felt a weird sensation flow through my entire body. It wasn't pain, more like empathy. Strange. I looked at my skin, and it was completely brown. I tried to let out a gasp, but Laki covered my mouth with her hand. "No need to worry, we are just merging with this tree for camouflage." With that, my shoulders un-tensed. Bark spread across my arms, legs, face and body. Then it all went away, and we were inside the tree. My skin was no longer like a tree, just normal. "Shhh.." Laki silenced. I did as I was told, and the man walking along the woods passed, breaking more twigs and crushing leaves as he went. "This is a strange form of magic, well done Laki!" I appraised, she smiled, and then the spell was lifted. We were normal again, and we set straight back on our quest.

After a mile or so of running, finally the Gardens were in sight! We stood atop a hill, looking for a way in. "Hey, I think we can get in that way!" Laki said, pointing to a half-open window in a large glass house, full to the brim with plants, trees and every kind of nature specimen. "This is my kind of place!" I whispered, my voice filled with joy. We had to keep our voices low, in case someone heard us, or even worse, spotted us. I nodded to Laki, and we crept along the back of the glass house. I saw dozens of tourists inside, taking photos of every single object in there. There were multiple smaller glass houses surrounding the big house. A door was left open to a smaller glass house. It was full of exotic Cacti, some were very spiky, other actually looked soft, which was strange for the typical cactus. We stepped inside, and were greeted with the lovely warmth. Glasshouses kept in heat, to make sure the plants were grown in a certain temperature. There was no one in here, lucky for us! We continued to sneak along, and gently pushed open the door to the large glass house. Laki suggested we merge with a tree, and we did just that. It didn't feel so odd, merging with a tree for the second time. Amazingly, we were able to hear everything around us. A tour guide was informing her group about the gardens. "Lets listen in.." I beckoned to Laki. The tour guide stared up again. "And this is Fiore's largest Botanic Gardens. This here is my favourite part of the Gardens, the Indoor Rainforest. This is home to hundreds of exotic trees and plants, and as you can see it's very occupied with wildlife. Now, there are no animals here, except for bugs, so if you were hoping to get a selfie with a monkey, I'm afraid you will be disappointed," She said humorously, and her tour group laughed. "Now, I'm going to let you explore the rainforest. It's not that big, so you won't get lost, meet me back here in 30 minutes. Ok! Bye everyone!" She ended, and her group disbanded and dispersed, giving us time to strike! I went to move, but Laki stopped me. "Stealth is key, and we can complete our goal from in here.." "How do we do that? I cant see through this thing." "We can see from the trees visions, one second.." She stated, then her hands started to glow, and the wood merge pouch saw its first bit of light. The pouch didn't open, but somehow I was able to see around me. It's hard to explain, but I could see everywhere. "We see what the tree can see" "Thats incredible! Your magic is very useful!" "Thank you, but it's more than just a party piece." "Oh I know, sorry, I just meant it's great." "Oh, ok. Sorry. All right! Lets get to work! Time to get creative!" Laki boomed.

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