Team Fairy Oasis and the Tiger Cobras' lair!

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Back to work

Fairy Oasis was back and better then ever! Sorcerer weekly had decided to document their first job back at the guild! They were supposedly sending over a new interviewer too, so all the more reason to be excited! After completing a century job, the gang decided on an easy job. The interviewer arrived and introduced herself as Kathy, being a very nice lady. They set off on the shoot!

"So all we have to do is slay the tiger - cobra creature, then steal a fang?" Scarlet asked, patting her orange bun that rested on top of her head." Jeez Scarlet, do you ever listen? First of all, we don't kill it - it's kind are nearly extinct. Second, we need to get some poison too." Kainen sighed in an exasperated tone. Pandora nodded. " I have a syringe in my first aid kit! I can use it if we take out the eyeb -" "whoa okay keep the details to yourself!" Chided bracken. Kathy scribbled notes down on a pad as they trudged on." So as Fairy Tail's strongest team, is there pressure or expectations to live up to?" She inquired." Yes. Very much so. But we try to work through and get past them, as They only slow us down." Melody said. Just then, her cat ears perked up. Bracken seemed to have heard something too." What is it, guys?" Pandora chirped." What's going on?" Asked Kathy. " they probably heard something, as bracken has the power to possess certain talents of certain animals. And Mel's cat-ears are natural, and possess the hearing of a cat." Kainen said, with a small voice. " what's up guys?" Scarlet asked, starting to go a little bit pale." There are more of them then we expected. Way more. Be on your guard, for if they bite you, it's gonna hurt like hell and zap magic energy." Bracken announced. Melody's ears swivelled around." We're surrounded." She said. About 12 Cobras suddenly lunged at the group from all sides. Kainen was quick to react and formed a shadow-shield. The next wave was bigger. Fifteen snakes from all sides. " get Kathy into the middle! I'll try and get a good view from up here! " yelped pandora.bracken swung a vine that took out six of them, scarlet threw a thought bomb consuming four, and Melody cast a spell called Ignaise that set the remaining five ablaze." Ok maybe what I said earlier was wrong- there's no way these guys are nearly extinct!" Called Kainen. Every time the waves of Cobras came, they got bigger. " pandora, see if you could blast them from the outside with your staff. We can take care of ourselves, after all." Melody ordered. Kathy looked a little scared but very intrigued. She sat in the middle of the group's protective circle. It was a mix of bombs, shadows, vines, spells, water, animals, fire, illusions, and Cobras. At one point Kainen got a bite from one of them, so he sat with Kathy for a second while pandora healed him. The Cobras numbers were dying out. Soon team Fairy Oasis Would we their job done. But not quite yet. " guys, I've noticed something." Melody called out." What is it?" Bracken asked." Only a few of these guys actually have fangs. And none of those fangs look like the ones in the picture." Melody cocked her head." Yet these Cobras look identical to that of the picture..." Pandora grabbed the sheet." You're right! However, this cobra on the pic looks a lot bigger if you ask me." She thought out loud. That was true. The tiger- cobra on this sheet was a lot bigger than any of the ones they had seen so far." Then I'm guessing that's a momma fang we're looking for. We should probably take the poison from that one, too." Melody shouted, while blasting seven Cobras away with her water. Kainen was back up and fighting too, but scarlet had decided that it made it a reflect time to rest. Bracken wiped out four of them by turning into a lion and roaring, which Melody then amplified the soundwaves coming from the roar and so forth, BOOM! Kainen used his trickery illusions to make one fight for him. Pandora even used some sky angel blasts from her staff. Yet here was scarlet, sitting down and doing her nails." Getup and fight! The big one's coming!" Bracken urged her. Eve ran around shooting Cobras and yelling insults at all those she hit. As they took out the last cobra, the momma approached. It started spurting acid, which was deflected by bracken making a shield out of branches for the whole group. The acid leaked through the cracks. Kainen put forward some shadows, Melody backed it up with water and scarlet cracked a thought bomb on it. They were safe from the acid, but they couldn't attack. "Pandora! Take Bracken up in the air with you! I'll hold up the shield till it's safe!" Melody shouted. Pandora dos as she was told and lifted bracken into the air. He sent forth a herd of spirit animals and thorns. The animals scared the cobra into a corner and thorns surrounded it. He summoned a flower at its feet and once it inhaled, it fainted. " now let's get that fang!" Pandora shouted, eager to operate. They helped Kathy up and soon they were on their way home. Kathy went away to type her work up as an article, bracken returned to the guild hall with Kainen and pandora and melody went back to her small house near the canal leaving scarlet to her secret sanctuary. " first job back..." Bracken muttered, as he walked Into his room in the guild hall.

End of chapter.

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