Chapter 64 - Allies in the Darkness

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As Alexander made his way to the secluded spot where Serena awaited him, the late-night air crackled with urgency, each step echoing softly against the pathway. Serena's silhouette emerged from the shadows, her eyes reflecting the gravity of their situation as Alexander approached.

"Serena," Alexander began, his voice low and serious, "Prince Oliver urgently wishes to meet with you. However, the guards sent by the king are closely monitoring his chamber, making it impossible for him to leave."

Serena's expression mirrored Alexander's seriousness as she absorbed the news. "But it's crucial that I speak with him," she insisted. "We can't afford to delay. What can we do?"

Alexander hesitated, his brow furrowing in thought. "I'm considering creating a distraction to allow Prince Oliver to slip out and meet with you," he explained carefully. "But I must warn you, if the plan fails and he is caught outside his chamber with you, the consequences could be severe. Are you prepared to take that risk?"

Before Serena could respond, Rei's voice interjected, cutting through the tension. "This won't do," she declared firmly, drawing the attention of both Serena and Alexander.

Alexander turned to face Rei, his gaze filled with suspicion. "And who might you be?" he inquired, his tone guarded.

Serena quickly intervened, her voice steady as she introduced Rei. "She's the one who told me about the treasure," Serena explained, "and she's also the one who claims we can cure Prince Oliver's illness."

Alexander regarded Rei with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. "How can we trust her?" he questioned, his tone cautious.

Rei met Alexander's gaze with assurance. "I understand your skepticism," she replied calmly, "but I assure you, my intentions are genuine."

Serena nodded in agreement. "We need all the help we can get," she affirmed, her voice steady. "If Rei believes she can assist us, then we should give her a chance. After all, Prince Oliver's wellbeing is paramount. If there's even a glimmer of hope from her, then it's worth considering."

Alexander reluctantly agreed, his desire for Prince Oliver's health mirroring Serena's own.

Curious, Serena turned to Rei. "Why did you disagree with Alexander's plan? Do you have another idea?"

Alexander's gaze also fell on Rei, his curiosity evident. Rei reiterated her earlier statement. "Didn't you forget what I mentioned earlier? Prince Oliver must accompany you to the village so he can be cured. He needs to leave the palace."

Both Alexander and Serena exchanged glances. Alexander spoke up, seeking clarification. "Which village is she referring to, Serena?"

Serena pondered for a moment before responding. "I believe it's the village situated on the land provided by the king to the healer."

Rei's inquiry caught Serena off guard. "How did you know that the king provided us the land? I never told you that," Rei asked, her curiosity piqued.

Serena paused for a moment, her expression thoughtful, before replying, "It's a long story, Rei. We'll talk about this later." Though she didn't directly address Rei's question, her tone suggested that she wanted to prioritize the urgent matter at hand.

Then, turning to Alexander, she suggested, "Why don't we seek permission from the king to go to the village? I think he'll agree. Then we can visit the hidden village without any trouble."

Alexander considered Serena's suggestion carefully before responding, "I think I should discuss this with Prince Oliver first." With that, he turned and began his journey back to Prince Oliver's chamber.

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