Chapter 25 - Royal Intrigues

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As Serena settled into her new temporary home at Lily's house, she wasted no time in preparing for the chef recruitment process. With determination fueling her every step, she embarked on a journey of culinary improvement, eager to prove herself worthy of her uncle's faith and support.

Lily, sensing Serena's determination, eagerly offered her assistance. Together, they poured over cookbooks, experimented with new recipes. It's only been three days since she's been at Lily's house, but her culinary skills which were already good, improved to perfection.

As Serena delved into her preparations for the upcoming chef recruitment process at Lily's house, a stark contrast unfolded in the depths of the forest of the kingdom Eldoria. In a secluded military cantonment nestled within the dense foliage, an important meeting raged on, shrouded in the somber ambiance of strategic deliberation and heated debate.

Within the confines of a chamber enveloped by the austere ambiance of military decor, rugged insignias and strategic maps adorned the walls, serving as silent witnesses to the weighty discussions held within. Three young men, each bearing their own burdens and aspirations, convened amidst the tension-laden atmosphere. Aaron, aged 22, sat alongside Prince Julian, the 20-year-old heir to Eldoria's throne, and Theodore, aged 25, the prince of Elysia who had long been hidden from the public eye since the tragic death of his parents, gathered around a sturdy wooden table, their faces etched with frustration and resolve.

"You know she is my fiance, we were engaged since her birth, how can you tell me to wait more to see her," Prince Julian demanded, his voice laced with anger and impatience.

Prince Theodore, his brow furrowed with concern, responded firmly, "I understand your frustration, Julian, but you must consider the current situation. Our kingdoms are on the brink of unrest, and Serena's safety must be our priority."

"I've been watching this situation unfold for fifteen years," Prince Julian retorted, his tone defiant. "I can't wait any longer. I'm already twenty, and it's time for my marriage. It's crucial for the stability of my kingdom, especially as I am soon to be crown prince."

Prince Theodore's expression softened, sympathy flickering in his eyes. "I empathize with your desire to secure the future of Eldoria, Julian, but we cannot ignore the dangers that lurk in the shadows. My return to Elysia and the restoration of my rightful position are essential steps in ensuring the safety and prosperity of both our kingdoms."

"Just wait until I reclaim my rightful position in Elysia," he urged, his voice filled with conviction. "By then, Serena will have regained her title as the princess of Elysia. She will marry you as a princess, and together, we will forge a path towards peace and stability."

Aaron, who had been sitting in silence until now, rose from his chair and approached Prince Julian with a sense of purpose. From a nearby bag, he carefully retrieved a painting, its colors vibrant against the somber backdrop of the chamber.

As Prince Julian's gaze landed upon the painting, his eyes widened in awe. He had always known Serena to be beautiful, his memories of their childhood encounter vague yet lingering, even though he was only five at the time. But seeing her depicted as a grown woman, her beauty immortalized in the strokes of the artist's brush, left him utterly speechless.

"She's... She's Serena, my fiance," Prince Julian murmured, his voice filled with a mixture of wonder and longing. He reached out to take the painting, holding it close to his chest as if it were a precious treasure.

With a nod to his companions, Prince Julian spoke firmly. "Fine," he declared. "For the sake of Serena, I will grant you more time. But make no mistake, we must take action soon to ensure that Serena and Prince Theodore regain their rightful status."

After Prince Julian left the cantonment with the painting, Prince Theodore turned to Aaron with a furrowed brow, concern evident in his eyes. "How is she? Did you give her the gift which I asked you to give her?"

Aaron nodded solemnly. "Yes, I gave her your gift, just like every year. She's doing well, but..." His voice trailed off, a hint of sadness clouding his features. "On her birthday, when I had to leave the house, she was very upset. She didn't even say goodbye, didn't even look at me."

A pang of guilt tugged at Prince Theodore's heart as he listened to Aaron's words. "I'm sorry to hear that," he murmured, his gaze distant as memories of his sister flooded his mind.

"How did you manage to get her painting?" Prince Theodore inquired, curiosity evident in his tone.

Aaron's expression softened, and he explained, "I asked my father to have it made in a letter I sent him two months ago."

Prince Theodore's eyes lit up with anticipation. "Do you have another painting of her? I want to see my sister too," he admitted, his voice tinged with longing.

At first, Aaron's expression grew serious, but then a teasing smile tugged at the corners of his lips. "Of course, here," he said, handing Prince Theodore the painting. "Take it, the painting of your beautiful little sister."

A bittersweet smile graced Prince Theodore's face as he gazed at the painting, his heart heavy with longing. "I wish I could tell her that I am her brother, her sibling," he confessed, his voice tinged with regret. "I haven't seen her for more than fourteen years. The last time I saw her was when your father took her along with him on his last visit here."

As he traced the lines of Serena's portrait with his fingertips, Prince Theodore couldn't help but wonder what his sister was like now, all grown up. But for now, all he could do was cherish the painting.

Prince Theodore turned to Aaron with a solemn expression, his voice carrying the weight of the news he was about to deliver. "I sent you the letter to come immediately because I have important news to tell you, but because of Prince Julian, the news was delayed," he began, his tone grave.

He continued, "My uncle Leopold, who committed treason and killed my parents for the throne, recently issued a decree. He replaced Marcus, the commander of the army with his new wife's brother, who is not well respected within the army. As a result, there's conflict brewing within the ranks. The army is divided into factions, with one supporting the old commander and the other supporting the new one. The good news is that the faction supporting the old commander is larger."

Aaron listened intently, absorbing every word with a furrowed brow. "But wasn't the previous commander the one who supported your uncle after your parents' death?" he interjected, his voice tinged with skepticism.

Prince Theodore nodded, his expression grim. "Indeed, Aaron. But as the saying goes, once a betrayer, always a betrayer," he replied solemnly. "We need to ensure that he supports us with the divided army. This time, I will ensure that he betrays my uncle."

Aaron's eyes widened in surprise. "And how do you plan to do that?" he inquired, curiosity piqued.

Prince Theodore leaned in, his voice low and urgent. "Here's my plan," he began, outlining his strategy in detail. "You and your father will approach the previous commander, Marcus, and convince him that you seek revenge for the previous king and his family. If he shows interest, we'll plan an attack together. However, it's crucial that he remains unaware of my and Serena's existence. The entire plan must be executed by you and your father, and for that I already sent a letter to him and asked him to come here."

Aaron's shock was palpable as he processed the gravity of the situation. "You... you asked my father to come here?" he stammered, his voice tinged with disbelief.

Prince Theodore nodded solemnly. "Yes, Aaron. I understand the risks, but this is our best chance to secure victory and restore peace to our kingdom," he explained, his tone unwavering.

Aaron's concern for Serena was evident as he spoke. "But how can you leave Serena alone?" he asked, his voice filled with worry.

Prince Theodore's gaze softened, and he placed a reassuring hand on Aaron's shoulder. "I will do everything in my power to protect Serena, Aaron. But for now, our focus must be on securing the support of the army. Trust me, I will not let anything happen to her," he vowed, his determination shining through.

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