Chapter 39 - Starfire Opal

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As the evening sky draped the kingdom in hues of twilight, Prince Victor found himself immersed in a sea of paperwork within his chamber. The weight of responsibility bore down upon him, yet his thoughts wandered to Serena, the courageous woman whose bravery had captured his admiration.

Glancing up at the dwindling light filtering through the windows, Prince Victor sighed heavily, the pile of documents before him seeming to multiply with each passing moment. "It's about time for Serena to finish her duties," he mused aloud, a flicker of concern igniting within him.

Summoning Dominic, whose presence stood sentinel just beyond the chamber door, Prince Victor's tone held a sense of urgency. "Dominic, as Serena's duties come to an end, I cannot delay any longer. I must ensure her safety and well-being," he declared, his gaze intent.

With a sense of impatience propelling him forward, Prince Victor's request brooked no argument. "Show me to her room," he commanded, his demeanor revealing his commitment to ensuring Serena's safety.

However, before Prince Victor could take another step, Dominic hesitated, his expression tinged with apprehension. "Your Highness, if I may speak freely," he began respectfully, his tone laced with caution.

Prince Victor regarded Dominic with a raised brow, silently prompting him to continue.

"Your Highness, while your concern for Serena's well-being is admirable, I fear that your visit to her room may spark unnecessary rumors within the palace," Dominic explained earnestly.

Puzzlement clouded Prince Victor's features as he considered Dominic's words. "Rumors? What do you mean?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

Dominic cleared his throat before elaborating, "Your Highness, given the nature of your relationship with Serena and her recent commendation by the king, any undue attention directed towards her may lead to speculation among the palace staff. It could potentially overshadow her accomplishments and jeopardize her reputation."

Prince Victor's brow furrowed as he absorbed Dominic's reasoning, his concern for Serena mingling with a newfound sense of understanding. "I see your point, Dominic," he acknowledged, nodding thoughtfully. "You're right. We must safeguard Serena's honor and dignity above all else."

A decisive glint sparked in Prince Victor's eyes as he made his decision. "Very well, Dominic. Instead of risking unwanted attention, please arrange for Serena to meet me here in my chamber," he instructed, his tone clear yet considerate.

Dominic nodded in acknowledgment. "Of course, Your Highness. I'll ensure she arrives promptly," he affirmed.

With a nod of thanks, Prince Victor returned his attention to the mountain of paperwork before him, his heart lighter knowing that Serena's safety and reputation were being carefully guarded. And as the evening shadows deepened, he awaited her arrival with a renewed sense of patience and respect.

Meanwhile, Serena sat in her room, her weary muscles finally finding respite after a long day of work. Aviva, her devoted companion and confidante, nestled beside her, a glimmer of curiosity dancing in her eyes as she gestured toward a small box resting on the nearby table.

"Serena, is this the reward bestowed upon you by the king?" Aviva inquired, her tone laced with anticipation.

Serena nodded, a faint smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Yes, it is," she confirmed, her gaze drifting towards the ornate box. "But I haven't had a chance to open it yet. After receiving it, I immediately went back to the kitchen."

Aviva's curiosity bubbled forth like a bubbling brook. "I can't help but wonder what could be inside," she admitted, her eyes sparkling with intrigue.

Serena chuckled softly at Aviva's eagerness, her own curiosity piqued by her excitement. "Well, there's no time like the present. Let's find out together," she suggested, reaching out to unlatch the lid of the box.

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