Chapter 53 - Intrigue and Interruptions

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As Prince Ethan sat opposite Lucas, his interest barely piqued by the conversation, he inwardly sighed, impatient to be done with this interaction. "Say," he prompted, his tone tinged with disinterest, already mentally planning his escape once the conversation concluded.

However, Lucas seemed undeterred by Ethan's lack of enthusiasm, launching into his tale with an eagerness that belied the prince's indifference. "Actually," he began, leaning forward slightly, "there was this shop owner, you see, who was quite reluctant to sell his shop. My men were... well, let's just say they were applying a bit of pressure, offering him a good deal and all."

Ethan maintained a passive expression as he listened to Lucas's tale unfold. "Then," Lucas added with a hint of intrigue in his voice, "there was this remarkably beautiful young woman who approached me. She exuded an air of determination and Protectiveness, you know? She took the time to explain to me why the shop owner was hesitant to sell and implored me not to pressure him."

"Go on," Ethan urged Lucas to finish his story quickly, not particularly interested.

Lucas smiled faintly as he delved further into the narrative. "She spoke with such passion, as if the shop were her own father's. When I asked if she was related to the owner, she revealed she was merely a friend of the owner's daughter. Yet, her dedication to protecting the shop was remarkable. One might even say she possessed an admirable determination to safeguard the belongings of her friends."

Ethan's thoughts briefly wandered to Serena, a small, concealed smile gracing his lips at the memory of her. "She can't possibly be more remarkable and beautiful than Serena," he mused silently, a warmth spreading through his chest at the thought of her.

However, Lucas's story soon drew Ethan's attention back to the present. "It's a pity," Lucas lamented with a hint of regret coloring his expression, "that when I returned to speak with the shop owner again to inform him of my decision not to purchase his shop, and when I inquired about her, he informed me that the young woman was no longer around."

"Hmm... What happened to her?" Ethan inquired, his eyes closing lazily as he absorbed Lucas's tale.

With a hopeful gleam in his eyes, Lucas looked towards prince Ethan. "As it turns out," he disclosed, a tinge of excitement coloring his voice, "she was chosen as a member of the palace staff."

A flicker of surprise crossed Ethan's features at the revelation as he opened his eyes. "A member of the palace staff?" he echoed, his mind spinning with possibilities. "Are there any other incredibly beautiful and remarkable women who have joined the palace staff other than Serena?" he pondered silently, his arms resting casually on his head.

Meeting Ethan's gaze, Lucas leaned forward slightly. "Can you try to find her? I'm genuinely curious about her," he implored.

Ethan nodded thoughtfully. "I'll see what I can do. Do you happen to know her name?" he inquired.

A broad smile spread across Lucas's face. "Yes, I remember her name vividly. She told me it's Serena," he revealed.

A sudden pang struck Ethan's heart, momentarily leaving him speechless as he processed the name. Could it be the same Serena? The mere thought seemed improbable, yet Serena wasn't a common name in their kingdom. He regarded Lucas with an unreadable expression, grappling with a flood of conflicting emotions.

Noticing Ethan's intense gaze, Lucas grew concerned. "Why are you staring at me as if you've seen a ghost?" he asked, his voice tinged with unease. Ethan's penetrating gaze sent shivers down his spine, and he hesitated to turn around, unsure of what he might find.

Prince Ethan, with a calculating gaze, once more addressed Lucas, "Did you just say Serena?"

Lucas's face lit up with genuine joy as he confirmed, "Yes, Ethan. 'Serena'—a name as beautiful as the woman herself."

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