Chapter 12 - Hidden Ambitions

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Three days had drifted by, and Serena had become accustomed to the familiar confines of her humble abode. With her fabricated illness as her guise, she managed to dissuade her uncle from his regular market excursions. As the sun dipped low on the third day, Serena dared to hope that the rumors had begun to wane. With cautious optimism, she prepared to resume her daily routine the following morning.

As the new day dawned, Serena ventured out once more into the world beyond her doorstep. With a basket slung over her arm, she made her way to the forest, the whispering pines greeting her like old friends. Gathering firewood became her first task, the rhythmic crunch of leaves underfoot a comforting melody.

Returning home, Serena plunged into the familiar rhythm of her chores. She assisted her uncle with the meticulous task of cleaning and gutting fish, her hands moving with practiced efficiency. The scent of saltwater and fish scales mingled in the air as she worked, a reminder of her simple yet vital role in their livelihood.

During this time, both 2nd Prince Oliver and 4th Prince Victor were engulfed by restlessness, yearning for another encounter with Serena.

A day earlier, Alexander had presented 2nd Prince Oliver with a thorough dossier on Serena. He detailed Serena's humble origins, born into a modest family, and the tragic loss of both her parents during her childhood. Currently, she resided with her uncle and cousin brother, eking out a living on the outskirts of the capital.

Serena's daily routine, diligently venturing into the forest to gather firewood, was a notable aspect of her life. However, Alexander's report revealed a recent deviation from this pattern. When 2nd Prince Oliver inquired about this anomaly, Alexander's response was succinct yet concerning, "I heard that she is sick." .This revelation deeply concerned 2nd Prince Oliver, and he wondered if the rumors circulating in the city had caused her illness.

Following 2nd Prince Oliver's concern, Alexander quickly reassured him, "Your Highness, it's nothing serious. She was just a little bit sick, but she's already on the path to recovery."

Relief washed over 2nd Prince Oliver as he heard Alexander's reassurance. A weight lifted from his shoulders, knowing that Serena's illness was not severe and that she was on the mend.

During this time Prince Victor's determination to locate Serena also burned fiercely. He issued explicit orders to his head guard, Dominic, demanding that he gather any available information about her. Drawing upon his extensive network, Dominic successfully acquired crucial details regarding Serena's daily routine. However, when news of Serena falling ill reached Prince Victor's ears, his concern escalated to a new level. "I want to know everything about her condition," he instructed Dominic, his voice commanding. "And I want to ensure she receives the best possible care if needed."

Dominic nodded in acknowledgment, his loyalty unwavering despite the intensity of his prince's demands. "Of course, Your Highness," he replied respectfully. "Although I've received information that her sickness is not serious and she's already improving, I will personally oversee her well-being."

Prince Victor's features softened slightly with relief upon hearing Dominic's assurances, but his fiery determination remained unyielding. "See to it that she is well taken care of," he emphasized, his tone leaving no room for compromise.

Dominic's expression remained steadfast, his loyalty to his prince unwavering even in the face of Prince Victor's temper. "I will, Your Highness," he affirmed with unwavering resolve, prepared to fulfill his duty to the utmost of his abilities.

As the day unfolded, both Alexander and Dominic discreetly followed Serena, each unbeknownst to the other, ensuring her well-being from afar. Skilled in the art of concealment, they shadowed her movements with practiced stealth.

Meanwhile, as Serena worked alongside her uncle, a subtle unease lingered in the air. Though she attempted to dismiss the feeling, a sense of being watched persisted, sending a shiver down her spine. Despite her instincts, she remained focused on her tasks, determined to cherish every moment with her family.

Unbeknownst to Serena, her actions had not escaped the notice of both Prince Oliver and Prince Victor, each maintaining a vested interest in her welfare. Their motivations, though distinct, propelled them forward with unwavering determination.

As the day wore on, Serena found herself lost in the comforting rhythm of her chores, unaware of the unseen eyes that followed her every move. The sun dipped lower in the sky, casting long shadows across the landscape as evening approached.

Meanwhile, in the opulent chambers of the palace, 5th Prince Ethan sat in quiet contemplation, his thoughts consumed by matters of state and the delicate balance of power within the kingdom.

Suddenly, a sharp rap at the door broke the silence, causing Prince Ethan to startle slightly. "Enter," he called out, his voice tinged with curiosity.

The door creaked open, and Simon, his chief guard, stepped into the room, his expression grave. "Your Highness," he began, bowing respectfully before approaching the prince. "I bring urgent news regarding the task you assigned me."

Prince Ethan's interest piqued, and he motioned for Simon to continue. what have you found?" he inquired, his tone tinged with anticipation.

"Your Highness," he replied, his voice carrying a hint of apprehension. "You were right to suspect 4th Prince Victor, he is indeed been actively seeking information about the girl he encountered in the market."

Prince Ethan's brow furrowed in concern. "And who has he tasked with this assignment?" he pressed, his gaze piercing.

Simon hesitated for a moment before answering. "Dominic, Your Highness," he admitted, his voice barely above a whisper. "It seems that Prince Victor has been keeping his intentions hidden, going so far as to withdraw Dominic from his usual duties to pursue this task in secrecy."

"I was able to ascertain this information through careful observation," Simon continued, his voice steady. "This morning, I discreetly followed Dominic as he ventured to the outskirts of the capital, near the forest. Despite his skillful disguise, I managed to recognize him, and I observed him watching a particular house."

Prince Ethan's eyes widened with understanding. "And whose house was he watching?" he inquired, his curiosity piqued.

"A middle aged man who is a fish seller lives there with her niece, Your Highness," Simon replied, his tone grave. "It seems likely that She is the girl Prince Victor encountered in the market, and Dominic's covert surveillance suggests that Prince Victor's interest in her is more than casual."

Prince Ethan's eyes narrowed as he processed Simon's revelation. A flicker of curiosity danced across his features as he pondered the significance of Prince Victor's sudden interest in the girl. What was it about her that had captured his brother's attention so completely? And now, with his own interest piqued, Prince Ethan couldn't help but feel compelled to learn more about this enigmatic figure.

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