Chapter 11 - Gossip Control

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As 2nd Prince Oliver sat in his chambers, his thoughts consumed by concerns for Serena's safety, he decided it was time to take action. Summoning Alexander, Prince Oliver inquired with a sense of urgency, "Alexander, have you gathered any information about Serena?"

Alexander, ever dutiful, replied, "Not everything, Your Highness, but I've learned that Serena is often seen with a girl named Lily, who is the daughter of a cloth merchant in the market."

Prince Oliver nodded thoughtfully, considering this new found information. Serena's association with Lily could prove to be a blessing as it could provide a potential link to gather more information about her. After a moment of contemplation, Prince Oliver turned to Alexander and issued his command, "I want you to take care of the gossip in the market. Make sure that any whispers about Serena's association with my brother stay just that - whispers. It's imperative her name isn't linked to him in any way."

Upon hearing Prince Oliver's command, Alexander offered a glimmer of hope. "Your Highness," he began, "there is some good news amidst the chaos. It appears that while people may have heard Serena's name during the encounter, her face remained unseen by the public eye. This presents us with an opportunity to manipulate the rumors to our advantage. We can alter her name in the gossip, redirecting attention away from her true identity."

Prince Oliver's eyes lit up as he absorbed Alexander's words. "That's an excellent suggestion, Alexander," he replied, impressed by Alexander's quick thinking. "We shall craft a new narrative, one that protects Serena from the prying eyes of gossip."

After receiving Prince Oliver's instructions, Alexander swiftly departed to initiate their plan. His first task was to intercept any whispers of gossip circulating in the market and ensure they were swiftly quashed. With a purposeful stride, he made his way to the bustling streets, ready to execute Prince Oliver's orders with precision and efficiency.

Meanwhile, in another corner of the palace, Prince Victor sat brooding over the gossip that had begun to swirl about his encounter with Serena. He couldn't bear the thought of her name being whispered about in idle chatter, and he felt a deep sense of responsibility to shield her from any unwelcome attention that might come her way.

His head guard, Dominic, stood before him, having just briefed him on the circulating gossip. With a stoic presence, Dominic awaited his prince's command, ready to execute his orders with loyalty.

"Dominic," he began, his voice commanding, "I need you to take care of the rumors which you reported to me. If anyone dares to make Serena a topic of gossip, I want you to handle it swiftly and decisively."

Dominic, well-versed in the ways of palace intrigue, nodded solemnly in understanding. "Understood, Your Highness," he replied, his gaze unwavering. "I'll ensure that no harm comes to the girl, and I'll take whatever measures necessary to protect her name."

Prince Victor nodded in approval, a sense of relief washing over him knowing that Dominic was on the case. "And Dominic," he added, his tone grave, "this matter must be handled discreetly. I don't want anyone to know of our involvement in this affair."

Dominic nodded once more, his expression steely. "Of course, Your Highness," he affirmed. "I'll see to it that our actions remain hidden from prying eyes."

With their respective plans set in motion, both Prince Oliver and Prince Victor hoped to safeguard Serena from the perils of palace gossip, each taking measures to protect her reputation and ensure her safety in their own way.

The next day, both Prince Victor and Prince Oliver awaited news from their respective head guards with eager anticipation. Tension filled their chambers as they anxiously awaited the outcome of their efforts to suppress the gossip surrounding Serena.

After what felt like an eternity, Dominic, Prince Victor's head guard, strode confidently into the chamber. "Your Highness," he announced, his voice oozing assurance, "the gossip have been quashed. People have ceased their chatter about the incident, and Serena's name remains untouched."

Prince Victor visibly relaxed, relief flooding his features as he absorbed Dominic's report. "You've done well, Dominic," he acknowledged, his tone clipped but approving.

In Prince Oliver's chamber, Alexander approached with a similar air of confidence. "Your Highness," he began, his voice steady and composed, "the market gossip has died down. Serena's name has escaped further scrutiny, and the rumors have faded."

A smile of relief graced Prince Oliver's face as he heard Alexander's words. "Excellent work, Alexander," he commended, gratitude lacing his words.

With Serena's name no longer echoing through the bustling streets of the market, both princes felt a burden lift from their shoulders.

After the reassuring news, Prince Oliver turned to Alexander, curiosity evident in his expression. "Alexander, did you manage to gather any more information about Serena?" he inquired, his tone tinged with anticipation.

Alexander paused, considering his response carefully before replying, "As far as I could discern, Your Highness, Serena does not reside within the capital itself. My analysis suggests that she may live in the outskirts, near the forest." He continued, "This hypothesis aligns with her presence in the forest during the morning when she came to your aid."

Prince Oliver nodded thoughtfully, mulling over Alexander's analysis. "It makes sense," he conceded, a glimmer of understanding dawning in his eyes. "Living near the forest would explain her familiarity with the area and her willingness to venture into it."

"I'll head to the outskirts of the capital and see what I can find out," Alexander declared.

Prince Oliver regarded him thoughtfully, recognizing the significance of delving deeper into Serena's background. "Yes, do that," he replied, his tone firm. "Go to the outskirts of the capital and gather as much information as you can about Serena."

With a nod, Alexander left the chamber, his mind already racing with plans and possibilities.

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