Chapter 40 - Moonlit Connections

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As they walked in silence, Serena stole glances at Prince Victor, her heart fluttering at the sight of his confident stride and the tension in his shoulders. There was a quiet insistence in his movements, hinting at hidden desires.

Their journey led them to a serene lake nestled within the palace garden. The moon's reflection danced upon its surface, casting an ethereal glow. Nature's symphony enveloped them, with fragrant blossoms and rustling leaves in the breeze. Prince Victor guided Serena to a secluded bench beneath the moon's dappled light.

With a tender gesture, he beckoned her to join him, his eyes conveying a silent plea. "This is my wish," he confessed softly as Serena settled beside him. "I want to watch the moon with you."

As they sat, their bodies close yet not touching, a tranquil aura enveloped Serena. The serenity of their surroundings was amplified by the gentle warmth emanating from his presence, a soothing embrace that heightened her senses. With each breath, she inhaled the subtle blend of his scent, a harmonious mixture of musk and cedarwood, intertwining seamlessly with the natural aromas of the environment, infusing the moment with a serene allure.

With a tender gaze, she observed as Prince Victor's eyes, like beacons of contemplation, ascended to the celestial canvas unfurling above. Entranced by the moon's luminous glow, his gaze mirrored a profound sense of reverence, beckoning Serena to share in the cosmic splendor unfolding before them.

With the moon's shimmering light reflecting in his eyes, he turned towards Serena, his expression soft and earnest. "Isn't the moon beautiful, Serena?" he murmured.

Serena tore her gaze away from the celestial spectacle to meet his eyes, her heart pounding with the weight of his gaze. "Yes, it is, your highness," she replied softly, a hint of awe in her voice.

A warm smile graced Prince Victor's lips as he turned fully towards Serena, his eyes searching hers. "Do you like it?" he inquired, his voice laced with genuine curiosity.

Serena felt a flutter of discomfort in her chest, the weight of his attention palpable. She forced a smile, masking the turmoil within her. "Yes, I like it," she replied, her tone measured.

"I'm glad," he said softly, his gaze lingering on her face.

Prince Victor shifted closer to Serena, his presence enveloping her in warmth as their shoulders brushed against each other.

"The atmosphere here is very peaceful," he confessed softly, his voice laced with sincerity with a tender smile.

Agreeing with a nod, Serena's gaze lingered on the moonlit scenery, absorbing the tranquility surrounding them. "Indeed, it is," she replied in a barely audible tone, savoring the peaceful atmosphere.

"You see, Serena, moments of peace are rare for me," he admitted, his voice carrying the weight of responsibility he bore.

Serena inquired, her curiosity piqued, "Your Highness, you can come here whenever you want, why don't you?"

Prince Victor sighed softly, his gaze distant with contemplation. "I'm usually very busy," he explained, a hint of weariness in his voice. "People often perceive being a prince as luxurious, but they don't understand the weight of responsibility we carry on our shoulders. Finding moments of peace is rare amidst the demands of my duties."

Serena listened intently, her heart aching at the thought of the burdens he bore alone.

"I began sword fighting early, striving to impress my father," Prince Victor revealed, his gaze distant with memories. "While others played, I trained relentlessly."

Serena's brows furrowed in sympathy as she sensed the underlying pain in his words.

"But I was never able to impress him," Prince Victor confessed, his gaze turning towards the moon with a mix of longing and regret. "My eldest brother Valerian was always better than me."

Love, Politics, and Past Intrigues: Reverse Harem AdventureTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang