Chapter 22 - Whispers Of Ambition

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As Serena reached home, the warmth of her uncle's welcome enveloped her, easing the remnants of her earlier sorrow. Together, they shared a comforting dinner, the delicious aroma of home-cooked meals filling the air as they conversed about trivial matters, avoiding the topic of Aaron.

After dinner, Serena retreated to her room, seeking solace in the familiar surroundings. Her eyes fell upon the painting Ethan had given her during their first meeting, and a small smile tugged at her lips as she recalled their unexpected encounter in the market.

As she gazed at the painting, Serena couldn't help but admire the artist's skill and passion reflected in every brushstroke. "He must be an amazing and ambitious artist," she mused aloud to herself, her voice filled with admiration. "I wonder where he's from."

Her gaze then drifted to the wooden box given to her by Prince Oliver the day before. Serena reached for the box. Carefully, she lifted the lid, revealing its content.

Inside, nestled amidst soft velvet lining, was a small, intricately carved wooden figurine of a dove in flight. Its delicate wings outstretched, the dove seemed to symbolize freedom and peace, its serene expression captivating Serena's heart.

Touched by the thoughtful gesture, Serena held the figurine in her hands, its smooth surface soothing her troubled mind. "It's beautiful," she whispered, a sense of gratitude swelling within her. "Thank you, Prince Oliver."

With a contented sigh, Serena placed the figurine on her bedside table, where it caught the soft glow of moonlight filtering through the window. As she prepared to retire for the night, a sense of peace washed over her, the events of the day fading into the background as she embraced the tranquility of the moment.

The next day, Serena decided to visit her best friend Lily, whose house was nestled in the eastern part of the capital, not too far from the bustling market. Serena had missed Lily's company for over a week, and she looked forward to catching up with her.

Upon reaching Lily's house, Serena knocked on the door, and moments later, it swung open to reveal Lily's smiling face. "Serena!" Lily exclaimed, pulling her into a tight hug. "I'm so sorry I missed your birthday yesterday. My dad had some urgent business, and we had to leave the capital."Serena returned Lily's hug, feeling a rush of warmth at her friend's genuine apology. "It's okay, Lily," she reassured her. "I understand completely."

Inside Lily's simple but cozy living room, the two friends rekindled their deep bond over cups of steaming hot tea. "So, tell me all about your birthday! How was it?" Lily asked with curiosity.

Serena took a sip of her tea, feeling a pang of sadness as she recalled the events of her birthday. "Well, it wasn't quite the usual celebration," she began, her voice tinged with melancholy. "Brother Aaron did come as he does every year, but he had to leave suddenly, and that really dampened my spirits."

Lily's expression softened with understanding as she listened intently. "I'm sorry to hear that, Serena," she said sympathetically. "It must have been tough having him leave on your birthday."

Serena nodded, grateful for Lily's empathy. "Yeah, it was. But then something unexpected happened," she continued, a small smile tugging at her lips. "I went to the market to try and cheer myself up, and that's where I met Ethan."

Lily's eyes widened with curiosity. "Ethan? Who's he?" she asked, leaning in closer.

Serena chuckled softly. "Well, he's an amazing artist. I actually met him once before in the forest while I was out gathering firewood," she explained, a hint of brightness entering her tone. "He mentioned that he's a traveling artist. We spent the evening together, enjoying a painting in the market."

Lily's face lit up with excitement. "That sounds amazing, Serena! I'm glad you were able to find some joy on your birthday, despite everything," she said warmly, her eyes shining with genuine happiness for her friend.

Serena smiled gratefully at her friend's understanding. "Thanks, Lily. It definitely helped lift my spirits," she replied, feeling a sense of warmth and comfort wash over her in the presence of her dear friend.

As they were engrossed in their conversation, a servant entered the room, carrying a stack of documents. "Miss Lily, I'm sorry to interrupt, but these documents require your immediate attention. They're quite urgent," the servant informed, gently placing the papers on the table.

Lily nodded, understanding the importance of the task at hand. "Of course, thank you," she replied, her brow furrowing slightly as she began to review the documents.

As Lily delved into her work, Serena couldn't help but admire her friend's dedication and sense of responsibility. Watching Lily handle the documents with such focus and determination, Serena couldn't shake the feeling that she wanted to contribute more, to do something meaningful and carve out her own path in life.

As she observed Lily, Serena couldn't help but reflect on her own contributions, which often felt limited to gathering firewood and helping her uncle with daily chores. "This feels so good to do some work," she thought to herself. "What I do is only gathering firewood and helping my uncle clean the fish. I should also pursue something that allows me to make a name for myself."

When Lily finally finished reviewing the documents, she looked up to find Serena gazing at her with a newfound sense of purpose. "Is everything okay, Serena?" Lily asked, noticing the intensity in her friend's gaze.

Serena took a deep breath, her resolve firming. "Seeing you work like this has inspired me, Lily," she admitted, her voice tinged with conviction. "I want to do something meaningful too, something that allows me to make my own mark in the world."

Lily's eyes softened with understanding, her heart swelling with pride for her friend's newfound ambition. "That's wonderful, Serena," she said warmly, reaching out to squeeze her friend's hand. "What do you want to do, Serena? Do you have any ideas about which field you want to make a name for yourself?" she asked gently, eager to support her friend's aspirations.

Serena paused, her mind whirling with possibilities. "Well, to be honest, I'm not sure," she admitted, furrowing her brow in thought. "I know I'm not particularly skilled in many areas. I spent most of my childhood at home, under the watchful eyes of my uncle and brother. But thanks to them, I did learn martial arts, and I think I'm pretty good at it. Oh, and I've dabbled in cooking too. I've always found joy in experimenting with flavors and creating dishes."

Lily listened attentively, a smile playing on her lips. "That's fantastic, Serena! Martial arts and cooking are both valuable skills. Have you ever thought about pursuing one of them further?" she asked, genuinely interested in her friend's potential paths.

Serena considered Lily's question, her heart stirring with a newfound sense of possibility. "You know, I've never really thought about it," she admitted, her eyes shining with excitement. "But now that you mention it, maybe there's something I can do with those skills."

As Lily waited for Serena's response, the air hummed with anticipation. Serena took a moment to ponder, her mind navigating the paths laid out before her. "Well," she began, her voice thoughtful, "I learned martial arts for my defense, and while I appreciate its importance, I don't find the same enjoyment in it as I do with cooking."

Lily's eyebrows lifted in surprise, intrigued by Serena's revelation. "So, cooking is where your passion lies?" she inquired, her curiosity piqued.

Serena nodded eagerly, a spark of enthusiasm igniting within her. "Absolutely," she affirmed, her voice growing more animated. "There's something truly magical about creating delicious meals from scratch, about infusing love and warmth into each dish. It's not just about feeding people; it's about nourishing their bodies and souls, bringing joy and comfort to their lives."

Lily smiled warmly, her heart swelling with pride for her friend. "I can see your passion for cooking, Serena," she said earnestly, her eyes reflecting her genuine admiration. "And if it's really what you want to do, then I have some good news for you."

Serena's curiosity piqued, and she leaned in closer, her excitement palpable. "What's the good news?" she asked eagerly, her heart racing with anticipation.

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