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Everyone now sat at the table eating the take away breakfast. "So when's the wedding?" Ruby asked. "Uh well we haven't begun planning yet Rubes." Kara replied with a smile. "Oh...but I'm gonna be the flower girl right?" Ruby asked. "Yes!" Lena and Kara repeated with a smile. After breakfast was gone everyone returned to the living room to enjoy the morning. "Did we interrupt something when we came back?" Alex asked. "When did you two leave?" Lena replied. "Early this morning around five. We go up and dressed and headed out so we could pick up Ruby after showering and getting dressed in new clothes." Alex replied. "Oh..no you didn't interrupt anything we just slept in thats all." Kara added.

"So have you thought of a date to get married?" Sam asked. "Well..." Lena replied. "We're thinking..." Kara added. "We're thinking...this fall...we plan on going up this coming weekend and looking at places." Lena replied. "Really? Do the brides maids get to come? And the flower girl?" Sam asked. "Of course you do!" Kara added. "Who all is invited?" Alex asked. "All our friends here obviously. And Kara's inviting her friends from the other Earth to come so it'll be small just the way we want it." Lena replied. "Oh that'll be nice! I'm excited to meet these other Earth friends." Sam replied with a smile.

"Yea, they're all nice! Sara can't wait to come. She asked about you Al, but I told her you had Sam here, but there'd be plenty of single women she could get on with." Kara added. "Sara?" Sam asked eyeing Alex. "She's just an old friend...nothing more..." Alex replied with a smile avoiding eye contact with Sam. "She's an assassin and a time traveler, so she never stays anywhere long." Kara explained.

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