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Kara set the empty container back down and began eating a piece of sweet and sour chicken when she began feeling something happening to her body. Green and blue eyes shot down to Kara's trousers as something began growing between her legs. Kara and Lena shared a look before averting their eyes to Kara's middle again. "It worked...quickly!" Kara exclaimed. "I see that! I thought it would have taken a little longer. At least a week or something." Lena replied. "I'm gonna go use my bathroom...and uh check things out." Kara replied as she stood up and walked into her private bathroom.

Lena stayed on the sofa and waited for Kara to return. "HOLY FUCK!" Kara yelled out. Lena ran into the back to see Kara with her pants down around her ankles and a very large member between her legs. Lena's mouth dropped open at the sight. "WOW!" Lena exclaimed her eyes glued to the member. "It's fucking huge!" Kara groaned. "Yea..." Lena replied with a smirk. "Oh Lee! Get your head out of the gutter!" Kara groaned. "Sorry darling...but no I'm not sorry one bit!" Lena whispered. "Shall we try it out later?" Lena asked.

Kara pulled her pants back up and walked out of the bathroom. "I'm gonna need to buy new underwear!" Kara grumbled. "I'll handle it darling. I'll order you some and have them delivered to our place." Lena replied. Kara nodded as they sat down and continued their lunch. "So Midvale for our wedding?" Kara asked trying to change topic. "Yes. I think we should just invite our friends and family." Lena added. "I agree. Do you know when you'd like to get married? Cause I have an idea." Kara replied. "Oh? When were you thinking?" Lena questioned.

"I was thinking maybe in the fall. That way we'll have the bright colored leaves as our background in our photos. Now do you know who you want to stand with you? Cause I'm gonna ask Alex to stand with me." Kara added. "I was thinking Sam and Ruby could be the flower girl or something." Lena suggested. "I love that idea Lee. Where are you thinking for a honeymoon?" Kara asked. "I'm thinking either a private island or someplace in the mountains. What do you think?" Lena asked. "Either one works for me." Kara replied with a smile.

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