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Kara returned to her office and began to finish her article she started earlier that day. Her mind was still on Lena and their lunch they just enjoyed together. Thoughts of a future with the dark haired woman now plagued her mind as she could see them living together having kids one day. After getting married of course. However her thoughts were interrupted when her phone rang revealing that Eliza was calling her.

"Hey Eliza!" Kara greeted. "Hello dear! I was just calling to see if you and Alex would be coming home for your vacation? And I was wondering if you'd be bringing your girlfriend along too?" Eliza asked. "You saw the papers?" Kara asked. "Oh yes my dear! She is indeed very beautiful. Lena Luthor right?" Eliza asked. "Yes. How she's nothing like her brother. She's kind and caring, and oh so sweet. You'll like her Eliza." Kara replied. "Well then I look forward to seeing all of you this weekend then." Eliza replied. "Yes! I'll talk to Alex and see is wanting to leave. But I'm sorry, I have to get this article finished. I'll call you later though...love you too." Kara stated as she hung the phone up and placed it on her desk.

A little while later she had her article sent off to Snapper for proofing and began packing up her things so she could go meet Lena. Kara walked off the elevator and headed towards Lena's office before knocking on the door. "Yes!" Lena called as Kara opened the door to see her girlfriend sitting behind her desk smiling at her. "Are you ready?" Kara asked. "Almost. Let me just finish this email and I'll be right with you love. Come have a seat, I'll be just a minute." Lena stated.

Kara sat on the sofa sitting her bag on the floor. "What's up darling? You seem to have something on your mind." Lena stated. "I just talked to Eliza, she asked me if Alex and I would be visiting her on our vacation. And she asked if I'd be bringing my very beautiful girlfriend along, because she'd like to meet her." Kara explained with a smile. "Oh? She saw the papers?" Lena asked. "Yes. And she's very happy to see me happy. And she'd really like to meet you." Kara added with a smile. "Of course I'll go to see her with you. When are you wanting to leave?" Lena asked. "Well tonight is game night and I think Alex will be there, along with Maggie, Win, J'onn, and Sam and James." Kara stated.

"Oh? You're having a game night and you didn't invite your girlfriend? I'm a little jealous." Lena teased. "Oh Lee! You'll be there too! Now come on! Let's go back to mine." Kara stated as she walked out of the office with Lena who was busy thinking about a way to ask Kara to move in with her. 'Perhaps after the trip to Eliza's.' She thought to herself as they headed out where Lena's driver waited for them.

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