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Alex took her time to look through the movies as she tried to calm her breathing after sitting so close to Sam just a moment ago. However she knew she was taking too long when she heard Sam get off the couch to help her look for the movie. "Want some help? I didn't realize you had so many movies, Ruby would love this collection!" Sam stated as she stood shoulder to shoulder with Alex now.  "Uh..yea...we've been collecting them for a long while now, and as you can see we haven't stopped...Ruby is more than welcome to borrow some anytime if she'd like. I'm sure mom won't mind at all." Alex replied as she took a side step away from Sam.

Meanwhile back on the sofa Kara and Lena were giggling with each other as they talked about how much fun they'll have on the hike in the morning. "Hey...look at them." Kara whispered as they turned their attention to the two women looking at the movies. "I think there's something beginning between them." Lena whispered. "You think?" Kara asked. "Of course! Haven't you noticed how they look at each other?" Lena questioned. "Maybe...hopefully something does happen between them." Kara replies. "Yea...me too. They both deserve to be happy." Lena whispers as she kisses Kara's cheek.

A few minutes later Eliza and Ruby join them in the living room taking seats on the other sofa. "What are we gonna do now?" Ruby asked. "Well when Alex and your mom find Harry Potter we're gonna have a movie night. Do you want some popcorn?" Kara asked the twelve year old asked. "Uh..sure! Do you have caramel sauce?" Ruby asked the blonde. "Yea! Come on, you can help me make it if you like!" Kara suggested as she followed Ruby back to the kitchen.

"She's quite the girl." Eliza stated as she began making small talk with Lena. "Yea...Ruby is. And I'm not just saying that because she's my god daughter. Sam really did an excellent job raising her." Lena replied just as Sam and Alex returned with the movies. "I did what?" Sam asked as she took her original seat on the sofa. "I was just telling Eliza that you did a wonderful job raising Ruby." Lena replied with a smile. "Where is Ruby gone to?" Sam asked. "Her and Kara went to make popcorn with caramel sauce. Don't worry there will be two bowls." Eliza stated looking at Sam's face.

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