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"You got this, ring me if anything goes wrong— I'm going to the convenience store" Sunghoon put his hand on Jungwon's shoulder as they stood in the front driveway of Jiwoo's house, "good luck"

Jungwon walked up to the front door and rang the doorbell, a few seconds later some footsteps were heard running down some stairs and a woman came to the door, but she wasn't Jiwoo— Unless if she cut her hair.

"Can I help you?" The woman said.

Ahn Hyejin, who often goes by the nickname Hwasa, the eldest daughter.

"Is um— Jiwoo home— ma'am?" Jungwon asked, a little intimidated by Hyejin.

"And who are you?" Hyejin looked Jungwon up and down in a very judgement way, her older sister instincts kicking in.

"Jungwon— Yang Jungwon."

"Oh, they told me about you." Hassan's attitude dropped even lower at the mention of his name.

Jungwon assumed that 'they' was Jiwoo and her other sister Yujin.

"Can I see her?" Jungwon asked

"She's not home."

"Who's at the doooooorrr..." Yujin stopped in her tracks when she saw Jungwon, "now what are you doing here, Jungwon?"

"To see Jiwoo, I have some things to explain to her"

"Damn well you do" Hyejin gritted through her teeth

"Well she's actually not home right now, but you can come in" Yujin said.

It was remarkable how the three sisters were all so opposite to each other.

"Where is Ji? Did she go away somewhere?"

"Eh? No, she went to the convenience store" Hyejin replied, "now before you explain to her, you have to explain to us first, sit."


It had been her first time out in two weeks. She wore a grey hoodie with her hood up while wearing her plaid pyjama pants, she wasn't expecting to see anyone today.

She scanned the drinks section for her favourite juice packet, green apple. A bell rang as a symbol of someone entering or leaving the shop, she paid no attention to such thing since she had her AirPods on.

Sunghoon grabbed an ice cup from the freezer and stood next to Jiwoo as he looked for the green apple flavoured juice.

Just as he saw it, Jiwoo also went to grab it.

He noticed a mole on her right hand's knuckle, just like what Jiwoo had, and he froze.

"..Jiwoo?" He hesitantly said, as she was about o turn and leave the aisle.

The girl froze, and she turned slightly to look at him.

"Why are.. you here?" He said, leaving her confused, "you're not home?"

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