potential rewrite

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Hello readers!

So, before you start the story, I originally wrote this story and edited it when I was 16, and then when I was 19. Now, I'm 24, and writing a new story in the world (You're Losing Me)

As I've been writing You're Losing Me, I realized: I want to rewrite Burnt Edges. Mostly for myself to have personally, but at the same time, I decided I wanted to offer up the rewrite to all of my readers too.

The first few chapters would keep similar story beats, but of course more fleshed out and sensical. I'll be leaving this note up for a month or two, and I would love for everybody to comment and let me know if they would like the rewrite!

It would mean I'd take down all of the current chapters and start uploading new chapters, I'd post an updated introduction, and an author note explaining to new and returning readers about what's happening!

Let me know, everyone! I'd love to give you a good story worth reading.

- Emma, 4/16/24

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