Chapter 67

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As we make our way back, the journey stretches longer than expected, each step feeling heavier with Toga's insistence on sticking with us. I find myself torn between understanding his protective instincts and apprehension about the potential complications his presence might bring, particularly in our encounter with Kikyo.

Toga's grim comment about the human village only adds to the tension. I shoot him a sidelong glance, catching the subtle flicker of disdain in his eyes. "Don't misinterpret my words, but Demons aren't welcomed here," he remarks, his tone reflecting his distaste for the situation.

The villagers' reactions only serve to confirm my fears. All eyes turn to us, lingering particularly on Toga and Inuyasha, whispers circulating among the crowd like a dark cloud. Some children scatter in fear, leaving me disheartened by the chilly reception. "The locals seem uneasy," Toga observes, his voice tinged with disdain as he scans the wary faces around us.

Nodding in agreement, I feel the weight of their wary gazes bearing down on us. "Let's just try to keep a low profile," I suggest, my voice barely above a whisper as I urge caution.

Attempting to gather information, I approach a young boy, offering a comforting hand in an attempt to soothe his fear. "Do you know someone by the name Lady Kikyo?" I ask gently, hoping to glean any insight. But he recoils in fear, refusing my help and scurrying off on his own. It's a stark reminder of the prejudices we face at every turn.

"She is busy," I hear a young female voice. I turn to meet the girl. I'm stunned to recognize her as a young Kaede. Her presence here means Kikyo must be old enough by now.

"Can you ask Lady Kikyo to give us some of her time?" I ask, trying to keep my tone polite. However, Kaede doesn't seem like she would do what I asked.

"She has been busy for a few days, and I don't know where she goes off to. When she is back, I will tell her, she had guests," She reluctantly answers, leaving me speechless.

Busy! And Kaede doesn't know where she is. Assuming that Kaede knows everything about Kikyo, this means she is hiding something, and it seems like she doesn't like it one bit.


The one thing Kaede was reluctant to help Kikyo with was helping her take care of Onigumo. 

"Where is he?" I bluntly ask. Kaede's eyes widen, so I ask again, "Where is Onigumo, Kaede?"

One of the few things that weren't clear neither in the Anime nor in the Manga was the cave Kikyo took care of Onigumo at, leaving me to only interrogate Kaede. However, Kaede surprises me with her answer, "Follow me."

I glance at Toga and Inuyasha to make sure they are following. Eventually, we reach the cave, and as we approach, I hear Kikyo saying, "Are you here already, Kaede? I need some more herbs-"

However, as soon as her eyes catch Toga and Inuyasha, she quickly gets up, hollers at her sister, "Are you out of your mind-"

"You are the one who has been out of her mind for a while now," Kaede angrily cuts Kikyo and runs off.

I glance at the powerless Onigumo and think how such a weak being is the one who made this whole world turn upside down and made so many lives unbearable. He is-

My eyes widen, almost jumping out of its sockets as Toga, without prior warning, approaches Onigumo and pulls his heart out with his bare hand. "The future is safer now," Toga declares, his words cutting through the silence like a blade as he meets Kikyo's gaze with unyielding resolve. He lets go of Onigumo's heart right in front of her and turns to me.

"I refuse to ask for help from the one person who made my son's life a living hell," he utters with an angry tone.

Wait! What have I done? And what is he saying? I am confused.

The moment he blurts out those words, he walks away. I find myself running to catch up with Toga, my confusion and frustration reaching a boiling point. "You owe me an explanation," I demand, desperation creeping into my voice as I struggle to make sense of the chaos unfolding around us.

His response only serves to deepen my sense of unease, his accusing gaze piercing through me like a dagger. "When you said the name Kikyo, I had my suspicions," he begins, his words laden with anger and betrayal. "But when I saw what she was doing, I remembered every word you told me when we first met."

I gather my thoughts, struggling to find the right words amidst the rising tide of anger and frustration. "She is the most powerful priestess-" I begin, only to be swiftly cut off by Toga's stubborn insistence.

"We can wait another 50 years," he retorts, his tone unwavering despite my growing agitation.

The anger boiling inside me threatens to spill over, my clenched fists trembling with the urge to lash out. "What is wrong with you?" I demand, my voice tinged with righteous indignation. "And what makes you so sure that 50 years from now, someone will be there to help us?"

His response is cold and calculating, his narrowed eyes meeting mine with unwavering resolve. "I can see the future, not just predict attacks," he explains, his words cutting through the air like a knife. "Now, it's not only you who knows everything."

Words get stuck in my throat as I comprehend his words. But, can he see the changed future too? Does Inuyasha's life still become hell even after getting rid of Onigumo? I am confused and unable to predict the consequences.

"Stop arguing, the two of you," Inuyasha says, his voice cutting through the tension like a blade, grabbing both of our attention. His face is set in a stern expression, a rare sight for the usually carefree half-demon. "She is going to help us," he continues, his tone firm yet tinged with a hint of uncertainty, as he rubs the back of his head in a nervous gesture.

I tilt my head in confusion, trying to decipher the sudden shift in Inuyasha's demeanor. "She simply agreed because you asked her?" I inquire, unable to hide my skepticism.

"No, she didn't," Toga interjects, his voice carrying a note of suspicion as he narrows his eyes at Inuyasha. His posture remains tense, a silent indication of his wariness. "You made a deal with her-"

"That's enough, Father. You promised you wouldn't use your powers on us," Inuyasha interrupts sharply, his tone brooking no argument.

However, Toga refuses to back down, his resolve unyielding. "I don't need to use my powers to know what's running in your head. She isn't the last one who can help us-"

"Let me remind you, Father, that Lady Athanasia is stuck inside a similar toxin fog as the one on the northern borders. We can't waste more time than that," Inuyasha retorts, his voice laced with urgency, a glimpse of maturity shining through his words.

I feel Toga's gaze on me, and I meet his eyes, seeing the silent plea for understanding mirrored in his expression. It's clear he's deeply concerned about the situation, his protective instincts kicking into overdrive.

"Fine, but-" Toga's voice carries a note of resignation as he glances back at Inuyasha, his tone softened slightly by the weight of the situation, "you'll have to tell us what the deal is before moving an inch from here."

Inuyasha lets out a nervous chuckle, his usual bravado faltering for a moment. "Well, I promised to give her the Shikon Jewel."

My incredulity knows no bounds. "What!" Toga's exclamation echoes my shock, his voice filled with disbelief. "Are you out of your wits? Do you even know that you are giving up something that is not even remotely yours?"

I take a deep breath, trying to calm the rising tide of emotions within me, and place a reassuring hand on Toga's shoulder. "It's fine. The Shikon Jewel belongs to Kikyo. I was going to give it to her sooner or later."

"But-" Inuyasha's interruption startles us, his next words leave my mouth agape.

"Sesshomaru has it."

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