The Bachelorette

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The Girls Outfits Are At The Top☝🏼️
P.O.V Toni
"Why don't y'all stop by and have some family time before the wedding" my mother said over the phone. "Yeah mom that's fine, we'll be over there later we're at Theo's parents house right now" I said. "Okay baby we'll call me when your on your way" my mom said "Okay" I said then I hung up. I went back into the living room were they were still watching the movie. "Sorry that was my mom she wanted me to come over for some family time before the wedding" I said sitting down next to Theo. "So what's all going to happen tomorrow" his mom asked. "Just the regular really, you'll have to wait and see" I said smiling. I love his mother she's honestly like the mother I never had. Me & my mom haven't really been that close all my life, my grandmother has been more of a mother. She just decided to pop back into my life and fix things. When the movie was over we sat and talked for a little while longer then left. While we were in the car on the way to my parents house I got a call from my doctor. "Hey Dr. Harper" I said. "Hi Ms. Jones, how are you" she said. "I'm fine, and you" I asked concerned cause I was surprised she called. "Oh I'm fine just reminding you about your appointment next week and then for a sterile shot" she said which caught me off guard. "Wait sterile shot I never made an appointment for that. Why would I even do that I want to have kids" I said raising my voice a little bit making Theo look at me like he was confused. "I thought your mom told you, she's the one who came in and made an appointment for you to have one" she said. "Oh really now well Dr. Harper I'm sorry to tell you but I won't be coming in for that appointment" I said through clinched teeth. "Okay I'll cancel it right away, I'm sorry about that"  she said. "It's okay Doc I just had no idea she didn't even tell me. Have a nice day though sorry for the inconvenience once again" I said before hanging up. Theo could just look at me and know that I was mad. When we pulled up right when he put the car in park I rushed to the front door. I knocked on the door like I was the police, seconds later she answered the door with a smile. "Don't smile at me" I said angry as fuck. "Baby what's wrong" she said. "Don't what's wrong me how could you do this" I said trying to hold back tears. "Do what" she said with a confused face. "You didn't know I was gon find out huh well I did damn I know you despised me but not this much" I said shaking my head "I don't want to see you again whatever we tried to repair I don't want it anymore, I don't want you at my wedding in my life nothing" I said yelling and halfway crying. "I'm so...." she said grabbing my arms but being interrupted by me. "I don't care about your damns sorry's anymore, I've gave you to many chances" I said mugging her while snatching my arms back then turning around and walking away back to the car. "Let's go I don't want to see this place again" I told Theo as I got in the car. As he was driving all I could about was why. Why would she do this? How can you hate a person that much? I closed my eyes and tears just started rolling out my eyes. I felt Theo's hand rubbing on my thigh, it was kind of soothing to me but that still wasn't enough. I wiped my tears away then just laid my head back until we got to our house. He parked in the garage, I got out, and headed right to our room. "Come on babe put a smile on your face you still have a bachelorette party to get to" Theo said sitting me on his lap holding my waist. "I guess your right" I said smiling as he wiped my eyes. I slowly got up "Time to get things started" I said going to clean myself up. "You have fun tonight, but not to much fun" he said coming to me then kissing my check "I'm about to get ready in the guest room take as long as you need, it's some blunts in the dresser if you need one" he said kissing my forehead then leaving out the room with his stuff. Shit I honestly did need that blunt, I walked over to his dresser and pulled his stash out and took a blunt out and a lighter. I went back in the bathroom and ran me some bath water. I put my stress relief by bath and body works inside as the water began to fill the tub. When the tub was filled I checked to see if the water was to hot and it was perfect. I took my clothes of and put them in my dirty clothes hamper, got my phone/charger, the blunt and got in the tub. I plugged my phone up and turned my Pandora on to Bryson Tiller station. I lit the blunt, relaxed, and just drifted away.

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