Bonus Chapter 3

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"The dream is yours for a reason"

- k.tolnoe

Years Later...

Luca's POV

"Where the hell did she go?" I asked as I check all the rooms upstairs, them only being empty. I began to get worried as several thoughts began to overwhelm my brain.

I quickly headed down the stairs to see Angelo walking out one of the rooms, shaking his head. "She's not down here either"

Nina was going to kill us.

"How the hell did she just disappear like that when she was just in her room a few moments ago?" I asked.

"Well if she isn't in the house, then the only place to check is outside" Angelo pointed out before a look of realization took over his face.

"You don't think she could've went outside without us realizing-" He began before the front door was opened, revealing Nina and our son.

"Hey Arlo" Angelo smiled before making his way over to them. Can you guessed who named him?

I couldn't help but laugh as he tried taking him from Nina, our three year old clinging tightly onto Nina's shirt. Angelo looked at him in shock before trying it again, this only making Arlo more upset.

"Don't you want daddy to hold you?" He asked him softly, watching as he shook his head before hiding in the crook of Nina's neck.

I already knew it'd be pointless to even try, which is why I remained where I stood. Angelo on the other hand just refuses to give up.

"I want mommy" He muttered out. He was not only spoiled, but also a momma's boy.

"But what if I want mommy?" Angelo then asked, Arlo looking up at him.

"No!" He said before resting his head on her shoulder, giving Angelo a mean look.

The only time he comes to Angelo and I is whenever Nina isn't around. But as soon as she's in his line of sight, he wants nothing to do with us. What makes it worse is that he also has Angelo's anger issues.

I couldn't help but be jealous... not just because he only wanted to be around her, but he's practically keeping her to himself.

A small laugh came from Nina as she walked towards the kitchen, "He just woke up not too long ago" She explained.

"Ah, so that explains why he's more grumpier than usual" I replied.

Angelo then elbowed my side before we followed behind her. If she just came from outside and hasn't said anything, then where the hell is Madelyn?

Nina was in the middle of making something for Arlo before she turned around and eyed us weirdly, "What's going on with the two of you?"

"What are you talking about?" Angelo asked, attempting to look confused. From the look on her face, she knew that we were hiding something.

"Arlo, what happens when your daddies don't tell mommy the truth?" She asked him.

"No more kisses!" He exclaimed while lifting up his arms.

Have they been rehearsing that?

After a while, I sighed out before slowly nearing the two. "The truth is... we lost Madelyn" I explained.

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