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"Only a life lived for others is a life lived worthwhile."

- Albert Einstein

Luca's POV

"I'm glad that you've finally come to your senses Luca" She smiled as I sat on the other side of the table.

Just a few days ago, I got a call from an unknown number. It was Eleanor who had wanted to meet and discuss a few things with me.

I wanted to tell Nina before I left the building, but I couldn't. I knew that if I did, she would convince me not to. But I needed to do this, for all of our sakes.

She gave me instructions which were to meet her here at this quiet cafe that was about an hour away, and to not tell anyone of my whereabouts.

I was here for one thing only, and that's to make things clear.

"I came here to tell you to cut this shit out Eleanor. Threatening Nina and breaking into her house is taking it way too far" I stated, watching as she rolled her eyes.

"How can you bring up another woman's name while we're together? It's been years Luca, don't you miss me? I wanted to meet with you so we could talk about what happened" She replied back before placing a hand on top of mine.

I quickly pulled my hand away from hers, feeling nothing but emptiness. If it were the old me, I would have longed for this day... I would've probably held onto her hand.

But that's not me anymore.

I no longer feel that way towards the woman in front of me. Nina is my girlfriend and all I want is her. If she allows it, I'd want to be more in the future.

She seemed shocked by my reaction, as if she assumed I'd be happy. "What do you want?" I asked her.

A small laugh came from her before she took a sip of her drink, "Don't you want to order anything before we get started?" She asked.

"I heard that they have great coffee. You do still like coffee, don't you?" This woman truly did not know me at all.

After a while, she sighed when she noticed I wasn't going to respond. "I just wanted to apologize to you and tell you that I didn't have a choice" She said.

Didn't have a choice?

"It's true that I was with the two of you for the money... and that I did want Angelo more than you but it's different now. Back then I was in need of money for my family! I was desperate and did what I had to do. It's all situated now and I just want to go back to the way things were. I want you back Luca, both of you" She added while intently staring at me.

I clasped both of my hands together on the table before laughing, "How much is it that you need now?" I asked.

"Twenty? Or maybe fifty-" I began before she scoffed.

"Why can't you just forget the past and trust me? I can guarantee that she's no better than me! She's just in it because it'll benefit her, but I've changed... this isn't about money anymore Luca. I love you" She stated, her eyes now watering.

You've got to be kidding me.

The more I look at her... the more I wonder what the hell I was thinking.

"You not only used us for money, but you toyed with me for so long Eleanor. I know that my brother gave you the money you wanted so that you would leave... I'm even willing to do it myself so that you'll leave Nina out of this. I cared deeply about you back then, and you used that to your advantage. I would've gave you the world.

My Boss & His Brother |18+|Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz