Sick fic request

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Carmilla was pulled from her sleep by the sound of violent retching and sniffles. She knew it was going to happen eventually, a lot of kids at the private school that Vaggie and Charlie attended had been sick lately.

Everyone hoped that Vaggie wouldn't get sick, due to the fact that she was an angel who wasn't familiar with demon illnesses.

"Little angel, you good?" Carmilla went straight for her adopted 5 year old daughter's bathroom.

"No. I can't stop throwing up mom." Vaggie whined, gold eyes screwed shut as she had her arms wrapped around her small frame.

"Let me see if we have any medicine or something. I'll be right back."


Coming back with a liquid medicine bottle Carmilla also grabbed a washcloth, ran it under the cold water.

"Here, take some of this sweetie, It'll get you better." Carmilla pressed the cold rag to vaggie's forehead.


Moments later Carmilla called Lilith panicking, not sure what more to give vaggie until Lilith calmly talked her friend down and told her that Lucifer was coming over with some magic healing medicine and promised he was going to be rushing over in a few minutes.

After a hour.

They sat there in silence, Vaggie leaned forward towards the toilet, throwing up once more. Carmilla held her short somewhat longer white hair, rubbing her back.

"It's ok baby, shh. I know that this sucks. You just need to get the bad stuff out of your system." She continued to rub her back until Vaggie fell back sleep against her chest snoring softly.


Sick fic request from JacksFandomRandom239

Being sick sucks ass, and so much work of mine gets piled up because I can't get my dead ass out of bed 😆

Feel free to make requests, as I'm working on Vaggie's first day of school 👍

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