Girl fights

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It began with casual pushes, verbal insults, feathers were everywhere and workers in the factory tour weren't really able to explain how it went from that to what it soon became. a kick to the stomach, sending the peacock demon girl stumbling back into the worker lockers.

When Carmilla and Stella's father had finally found them, they were both on the ground, Stella underneath Vaggie , Stella sending a flurry of hard slaps down on vaggie's chest, and vaggie's hands wrapped around Stella's throat.

"You dumb crybaby bitch!" stella managed to chirp out.

"I'm not a crybaby bitch, you're the one who's fucking crybaby little bitch!"

The two adults prying the 7 year olds away from each other once they reached the center.

"Stop this pathetic fighting at once! This is not how proper young lady should behave!" Stella's father shouted.

"This pheasant fucking started it!" Stella yelled once she had caught her breath.

"You're a fucking liar!" Vaggie shot back.

"GIRLS!" Carmilla's voice thundered throughout the building. "Now I don't know how the fuck this started, but I'm going to end it! My office, now!"

Moments later.

Vaggie was slouched down into the chair, arms crossed, and body angled away from Stella so she didn't have to see her bitch bird face.

all the possible places for them to be right now, her mother was angry this was one of the worst times of her life.

"Alright so what seems to be the problem here?"

Stella's father entered the office with Carmilla, they both sat down and waited for the girls to speak.

They definitely didn't.

Vaggie let out a huff and slouched even further in the chair. Stella was rubbing her beak jaw where the tissue was starting to swell.

Stella's father pounded his fists on the desk, forcing the young girls to snap to attention , their eyes wide.

"If stella just takes back what she said about my friend stolas, there'll be no problem." Vaggie adjusted herself in her chair.

"He's my fiancé! I'm never going to take it back, because I didn't say anything wrong. I was just stating the facts he's my property, pheasant."

"You're full of white bird shit, Stella." Vaggie grit her teeth, holding herself back from punching the royal bitch in the jaw one more time.

"Girls! Watch your language!" Stella's father was getting riled up himself, looking like he was about call his hellhounds to kill somebody.

Carmilla placed her hand on the peacock man's shoulder, calming him down. "How about I take this one?

"I can't believe you even brought that up, you royal bitch. How insensitive can you be?"

"I'm insensitive? You've been arguing to my face about how my fiancé should be treated as equals and not some future play toy."

"You know what I've heard enough, I checked the security cameras and I want you and your disrespectful daughter out of my factory." Carmilla announces looking at her daughter with pride.


Month later.

"You're gonna need to try harder than that!"

"I am trying mom!!" Vaggie cried.

"Then let's see some results!"

Carmilla knew she was being hard on her adopted daughter for a reason, but it still stung her pride. Vaggie continued punching and kicking moves what her mother had taught her.

"If this were a real fight you would be worse than dead, you aren't dodging."

Vaggie groaned. "Come on mom! One thing at a time!"

"Real Fights against the enemy don't go one thing at a time in hell!" Carmilla said. She dragged her daughter into a standing position. "Go again."

Vaggie assaulted the test dummy, punch after punch, block, dodge after block, kick, dodge after kick.

Unlike her best friend Charlie, Vaggie wasn't very tall for her age, but her mother and her older sisters told her she would probably hit a growth spurt soon and what she lacked in height though she made up for in determination and strength.

Vaggie's dream was that she would learn to protect herself and her best friend. No more purple bruises and a bleeding face. Vaggie would be the toughest kid in school hell.

"Easy, kiddo easy," Carmilla said, catching her daughter as she toppled over from exhaustion with the dummy. Vaggie coughed and tried to get up. "Take a second to breathe and take a water break, Vaggie."

Vaggie squeezed her mother's arm.

"As I've said before You've got the skill, but you need the discipline." Carmilla smiled back. "You can do anything including killing anyone you want with enough discipline and focus, kiddo. You've just got to focus and remain vigilant, and you'll get there, I promise."

Vaggie hummed. "I just wanna protect Charlie, one day she's going to be queen of hell and I'm going to be her personal bodyguard." she said, staring down at her angelic ballet shoes.

Clara smiled. "Charlie is lucky to have you, You're the best little sister in the whole damned rings of hell."

Vaggie looked up at sisters. "Really?" she asked, eyes big and full of hope.

Odette nodded. "One day, you and Charlie are gonna rule hell. Just don't forget us, alright?" Odette winked at her.

Vaggie giggled. "You've got it sisters."


Will I ever learn my lesson to have children swearing in fanfics lol

Request for IsekaiGuy

Little Vaggie and Little Stella get into a fight and tear each other apart.

Request for Korrasami2313

Baby Vaggie proclaiming to protect/ marry Charlie when she gets bigger.

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