Swear word request

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Carmilla gave her two daughters the task to watch Vaggie while she was in a meeting.
Was this task hard? Well after what happened last time after the baby said her first word few nights ago. yes watching a toddler was indeed very difficult job.

They exchanged puzzled glances, neither of them knew what to do as their baby sister Vaggie slept in her crib.

"What do we do with her?" Clara inquired in a low voice trying to watch a program on low volume.

"I dunno," odette whispered as she scoffed. "Maybe just leave her alone?"

"Sister!" Clara's eyes widened in sheer horror at the suggestion. "We can't leave her alone!" she whisper.

"I didn't mean we should let her out of our sight," odette looked slightly offended, "Just let her take her nap while we keep an eye open."

Suddenly, they heard a gentle ruffling followed by a high-pitched, sound. Their eyes widened, and they instinctively leaned back, taken aback by the unexpected noise.

They took a cautious step back, as big golden eyes started inspecting them with curiosity.

"Hello there little sis," Clara offered with a big, warm smile.

*vaggie starts making baby noises*

Vaggie shifted in her crib and yawned. Clara and odette forgot their anxiety for a moment and watched her in awe.

"What do you want, sweetie?" Odette leaned closer to the baby and cooed with a tender smile.

*baby noises*

"That's helpful," Clara scoffed.

"Maybe if we try a friendly word she might know?"

Suddenly vox appears on the television on high volume. "Hey everybody welcome back to hell's fucking funniest show! Hell's fucking funniest car accidents!"

"Fuck!" Vaggie cooed.

The pair of sisters turned to the baby, horrified.

"Oh, fuck!" Odette muttered.

"Oh, fuck!" Vaggie imitated.

"Very good, sis." Clara patted odette's back.

"fuck fuck fuck."

"It's not funny!"

"We're definitely screwed!"

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!"

"Oh my God! Odette, she won't stop!"

"Clara ," she drew her name out. "According to the baby book, the baby, it will keep going as long as she's getting a reaction."

"You're right," she collected herself. "We just have to be calm." She smiled warmly at her voice of reason.


"Oh my God! What am I going to say to Mom!" Clara shouted in a panic.

Baby Vaggie looked at her sister's with wide, teary eyes and immediately began crying. Odette reflexively lunged forward in an attempt to comfort the baby, only resulting in the sound growing even louder and more urgent.

Suddenly their mother Carmilla showed up in the doorway. "What the heck is going on?! I can hear you three from upstairs!"


Carmilla's eyes widened. "Which one of you spoke the word first?!

Both sisters immediately pointed to vox on the tv showing car accidents and making jokes about the dead victims.


Moments later from outside the carmine building, citizens looked up and seen a tv that was yeeted from the 6th floor and landed on several


Request for nora59160728
Vaggie's first swear word and angry mama Carmilla

Let the baby say fuck and Carmilla yeets a tv

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