Dumpster baby

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we're all joking about it but like. Vaggie getting low-key adopted by Carmilla in s2 would actually be like. Really good for her character development. Girl needs a hobby and a life outside her girlfriend, a mentor figure who's completely unconnected to Charlie and the hotel would be Very Healthy for her to aquire-

Chapter Text
Hell became a civilized era centuries ago since Lucifer and Lilith founded and created. But here one of the powerful sinner overlords known as , Carmilla Carmine holding the most adorable baby she'd ever laid eyes on... which she had fished out of the dumpster she currently checking for dead sinner bodies with angel weapons sticking out of them.

She was holding a dumpster baby.

The tiny baby, a newborn angel it looks like, burrowed into the body heat of the female Overlord with a happy coo, only making carmilla all the fonder of her fellow abandoned child. "How the name of hell could someone throw out an baby as sweet as you?"

Grabbing her bag full of assorted supplies from the convenience store, she sat against the alley wall to get a better look at her new dumpster baby... she should probably give the kid a real name.

The overlord scanned over the baby in her arms curiously. It was a girl, with a faint layer of grey fluff for hair and pale skin on her chubby little cheeks. She was calm, and completely unbothered by her demon like appearance. Though that might just be cause she's the first person she'd ever seen or been held by and thinks she's her mom or something.

"How am I going to feed you?"

The infant rubbed her face against her chest, mewling weakly, at her question.

The female overlord sighed. "Cute, but not gonna happen. Sorry kiddo both my girls Odette and Clara are in there teens , but those aren't making milk anytime soon."

As she ponders where she can get some formula or something?

Oh. That's why the kid was thrown away. She's an angel, Her mom or older siblings probably threw her away cause she's too small or something, like how a wild animal might leave a runt to starve and focus on its other babies instead since it's probably too weak to survive in the wild anyway.



"You did what." Overlord Husk finally asked, pulling the can of beer down from his lips. Was he drunk right now? Did he somehow mistake this for one of the cans he put cheap wine in. He took another quick sip to check, nope, that was definitely the taste of cheap booze.

"I said I found a baby. You should learn to listen the first time around, husk."

The winged cat demon opened his mouth to protest, but carmilla quickly cut him off, "Look." She leaned down and picked up a grey carrier hidden out of sight.

"Aw, well she's awfully cute!" Odette and Clara commented, their mother pointed a finger close to the sleeping child, but took care to not wake her up. "Look at her cheeks, they're so pudgy, oh my god. I wanna squish them."

Zestial gently elbowed her in the side, "Where did you even get an angel kid, carmila."

She responded squinting up at the demon overlord man."I found her."

Husk drunken sputters. "You can't- You can't just find a fucking baby."

"Well, I did."

"No! No! Where the hell did you get th-"

"I said I found her. Good grief, I mean what I say."

"Oh my god, are you fucking with me."

"No, I saw a baby on the way back from looking for fallen weapons , she was in the dumpster by the bench. I figured that the mom or whatever should've been around somewhere, as irresponsible the bitch was for leaving a kid out in the open like that. Maybe she left to do something. I don't care. So I waited around 'till an hour or so passed. No one showed up, so I just-"

"You just took her." Zestial asked, shocked.


"What the hell." Zestial whispered softly.

" Zestial there's a baby, stop cursing.

"Motherfucker." Husk said.

Carmilla gave him a pointed glare, but husk didn't open his mouth again.

Slowly, the baby woke up from the commotion, shockingly golden eyes fluttered open and glanced around to the unknown demons crowded above her. She grinned and a delighted coo emerged from her lips as she reached her small hands up at them.

Everyone went quiet instantly.

"A angel, how Disappointing." Vox in the corner mumbled under his breath.

Everyone stared at him.

"What's so disappointing about an angel baby?" Lucifer appeared in a pentagram ring of fire asked, his claw hand floated above the child, who was grabbing onto his index gloved finger with her own tiny hands.

"Yep, that's a baby angel alright." Lilith chuckled holding a sleeping month old baby Charlie.



From her place sleeping in Camilla's arms the newly named infant vaggie coos with a full belly and buries herself further in her new guardian's much appreciated warmth, a smile on her cherubic face.


Cute AU story.

The thought of adoptive mother Carmilla surprised at being called "Mom" for the first time, not showing any emotion when it happens, but then later secretly grinning ear-to-ear and shedding a few tears so she doesn't show weakness to her girls, is the sweetest thing ever. 😭

Baby vaggie: Please be my momma 😭😭😭❤️❤️

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