Copycat request

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Vaggie stumbled forward; she was still getting used to this amazing ability to walk.
Her entire world had opened up. Instead of knowing only a set few places she was now exploring and learning all the wonders of the carmine mansion.
Her big eyes stared around in awe as she dragged her lion king blanket behind.....well technically it was originally charlie's and she couldn't go anywhere without it. As her little purple socks pitter-pattered on the carpet she suddenly seen her mother and sisters carrying paperwork, walking by standing on their tiptoes like ballerinas.

Vaggie was wide eyed interesting, in fact so interested that she immediately that she started copying them and took after them running.


Carmilla, odette and Clara suddenly heard a loud thud followed by the sound of crying. Immediately they turned around to the direction of that familiar sound and wandered over.

There on the carpet was Vaggie. She had landed hard on her butt due to running around on her tippy toes way too fast for her own good. Now she was stuck with this temporary pain and wanted everyone to know about it.

"Come on little angel let's get you an ice pack." Carmilla smiled picking Vaggie up.


Copycat request for MasterClass60

This is adorable! Quick someone throw a pillow down on the floor before I pass out! Also pillows for the audience!!

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