Period request

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Typing this as I wait for monster hunter to finish downloading on my switch 🥹😤

I'm super excited to play this and I found it on sale 66 % off 👏

Ring ring.

"Hello, Lilith can I talk you about something?" Carmilla said on the phone.

"Sure thing what's wrong?" Lilith answered.

In the background 11 year old Charlie got so frustrated by the piano , that she transformed into her demonic self by setting fire to the piano before lifting up the golden grand piano and threw it up in the air.

The damn bloody instrument landed on her annoying music teacher with a large crash and blood covered the walls and floor.


"I heard a crash? Everything okay over there?" Carmilla said over the phone.

"Oh Charlotte is on her period and she's going to an emotional state ,but don't worry I have experience with my period and I've already explained to her." Lilith sighed.

"Really? It's really a funny story that's ,what I was going to ask you for help with Vaggie by you asking Lucifer if angels have periods." Carmilla laughed over the phone but whispered that last part.

"Well Charlotte is half angel, half demon, her period is very destructive and Vaggie on the other hand is full angel, so it's most likely that she does have a period similar to a human." Lilith replied back.

( another crash, glass breaking, demon employees screaming )

"Damn! Again?"

"It was the chandelier this time , it fell on the horrible cook that Lucifer was going to literally fire, I'll have the maids clean it up." Lilith said nervously.

"I understand it's a weird situation us moms are having to go through."

"Hey I have an idea, we can make this a girls only week." Lilith suggested. "I can send over Charlotte to watch movies with Vaggie to keep both their minds off the pain."

"Sounds great—

"Mom! my entire body is in excruciating pain and I feel like I'm being stabbed and tortured a million times a second, and I can barely breathe. Oh and also I practically want to die. Not to mention I feel like fucking shit and I'm currently bleeding out of my vagina!" Vaggie cries out laying on her bed.

"I'm sorry, my little angel your sisters are out doing deliveries with zestial's help. I wish I could do more for you , but don't worry give me time talking to Lilith to get her supplies and we'll get through this together." Carmilla tried to comfort her daughter.

"Thanks I can try and deal with this. It's just....really shitty."


Moments later.

Coming out of the teleport portal summoned by Lucifer, Charlie in her non demonic form hobbled along, throwing Vaggie a glance who was laying on her bed facedown, wings fluffed out in misery. She laughed miserably. "You too, huh?"


Half an hour later,

after what felt like fucking forever, both mothers found Charlie and Vaggie curled up on the sofa in the fetal position surrounded by junk food, attempting to watch a television show involving a cat, a mouse and a dog beating the shit out of each other using pipes and a baseball bat.

Oh no. It was going to be a loooong week but at least they had each other.


Periods suck...on the other hand I'm always wanting chocolate all the time but the backfire part is painful cramps and very bad mood swings 🥺

Request for SamanthaTaylor083

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