Vaggie's first bath

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wishing i could go missing for a little bit and no one would freak out and then i could come back and they'd be like "did you have fun going missing" and i'd be like "yeah, thanks I had a great time walking in the woods with the woodland fairies" and then i could do that every couple of months or so and it wouldn't be a big deal.....don't worry I'm just going through some emotional stuff

Carmilla walked into the bathroom with a smelly garbage baby, well technically it was a one month old baby angel girl who smelled like garbage.

"Okay, here we go." Carmilla softly said, laying the angel down on her back and undressing her.

The baby looked up at this mysterious woman with big, wide yellow eyes and scrunched up her nose when she removed her dirty grey onesie and dirty diaper. Carmilla wrapped her up in a purple towel and carried her to the bathtub and laying her down.

When the angel's skin came in contact with the warm water, she instantly relaxed and stopped most of her fussing.
Carmilla adjusted her grip on the little angel before sitting up on her knees.

"Doing okay Vaggie, just keep still." she asked her adopted daughter softly, keeping up a running conversation with her as she started to run a soft washcloth over her dirty body.

Vaggie gave her a toothless, wide grin and kicked her legs and flapped her stubby wings excitedly, making Carmilla gently tighten her hold on her.

Using her hand to scoop warm lavender soap water, carefully letting it run over Vaggie's soft white hair and making sure none got in her eyes.

"All done, Vaggie." she declared, unplugging the plug and making sure that the baby towel was laid out on the changing mat on the counter before she lifted Vaggie out of the bath with both hands. The baby angel blinked in surprise due to the temperature and she definitely wasn't happy about it.

"Shit. Shhhh, I know, I know." she muttered, hurrying to dry the little girl's sensitive skin. "It's okay, just give me a minute to fix you up." Carmilla asked her, trying to make sure that she was really dry before she got out a small baby blanket with butterflies on it and a fresh clean diaper, having learned that from when her two daughters odette and Clara were little.


Request for Magie for baby vaggie's first bath.

she's officially a clean burrito baby, hope you enjoy it and big remember to everyone if you put lavender in your bubble bath you'll sleep better and relaxed ☺️

Keep the requests coming, we all need fluff

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