Baby vaggie's first words

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"Say mama." Carmilla cooed to her daughter.

"No!" Alastor yelled. "Say papa! It's much more manly."

Carmilla glared at the overlord before returning her attention to her one year old daughter.

Her adopted daughter, a girl by the name of Agatha also nicknamed vaggie, looked at her mother in childlike wonder. She had no idea what her mother wanted from her. She was more interested in the building block in her hands and chewing on it.. She made some cute gurgling sounds.

"Mama." Carmilla enunciated. "Ma-ma."

"GrandPapa." Zestial counted. "GrandPa-pa."

Carmilla and zestial glared at each other. Apparently, they were having a contest between themselves to see who would be the first word on vaggie's lips.

Clara laughed and picked up her little sister. "You can't force vaggie to say what you want her to." She said. "A baby's first words just happen. Right, vaggie?" She asked as she gently tickled the baby's stomach.

Vaggie responded by gurgling and clapping happily.

Carmilla stood up indignantly. "I will not my daughter's first words be grandpapa." She said crossly. "I found her in a dumpster. I named her. Her first words should be mama."

Zestial chuckled. "You're just jealous, vaggie and I have that special grandfather-daughter bond. I can tell, her first words are going to be grandpapa.

The two glared at each other again before once again returning to the task at hand

Zestial suddenly asked Lucifer. "Question old friend, what was Charlotte's first word?"

Lilith took a deep breath and turned to her husband Lucifer. She frowned at her husband. Lucifer's face contorted into a pained look.

"Well her first word was a bad word that she picked up from her father." Lilith said in a very even tone.

Lucifer smirked before speaking up. "Not going to lie but I did get my mouth washed out with soap and was punished by getting sent to bed early without dessert."

Lilith's frown grew deeper. "I made him sleep on the couch for a couple of nights until Charlotte learned a new cleaner word like apple.

The other members of overlords watched on in amusement as they tried to get young vaggie to speak. However, charlie was confused. Why were the adults making such a big deal out of this, they wondered.

Odette gently picked up her little sister and rubbed her nose against hers. That action made vaggie giggle. "You don't have to worry about speaking little angel." She whispered. "You will when you are good and ready. And I am sure that you will have loads of interesting things to say."

Husker drunkly spoke up. "Why is everyone making this a big deal! she's a angel! She's just going to grow up and murder people."

"Say mama, vaggie." Carmilla cooed to her daughter. "You love your pretty mommy more."

"Say grandpapa, vaggie." Zestial said. "You love your grandpa more."

With everyone's eyes on the year old girl, the little girl opened her mouth. "Ma..." She mumbled.

Carmilla's eyes widened. "She's going to say it." She giggled giddily. "She's gonna say mama."

"Don't say mama,." Zestial begged. "Say grandpapa."

"Ma..." vaggie mumbled again.

"Go on. Say mama." Carmilla coaxed.

"Murder!" Vaggie shouted.

There was a deafening silence in the room. Not a damn single person said anything. I mean, what was there to say. No one expected that word from vaggie's lips.

"Murder! Murder! Murder!" She repeated.

The entire building roared with laughter. Some were banging the long table with their fists. Some were clutching their sides in pain. Some were crying so much, that they fell out of their chairs.
It was the funniest fucking damn thing to come out of a child's mouth in a long time.

"Murder! Murder!" Vaggie continued, oblivious to the hilarity she's causing.


Husker felt a chill run up his fur, like the millions of nerves in his body just cried out in terror. He turned around and saw carmilla clutching her angelic spear behind her chair.

"Miss carmilla." Husker chuckled nervously.

"You fucking stole her first words." She said in a low voice.

"MURDER!" Vaggie shouted little wings flapping in Odette's arms.

"You stole her first damn words." Carmilla said again in the same low tone. "Her first words are suppose to be mama."

"Now, now." Husker sweated, holding up his hands in apology. "Let's not do anything you might regret."

"I am going to beat you, slowly and painfully."

"Murder!" Vaggie shouted again.

"DIE!" She screamed

Husker ran for his life down the stairs because the elevator was broken, All the while, her daughter kept shouting Murder to the chagrin of carmilla and the amusement of everyone else.

To this day, carmilla has never forgiven husker for being drunk and stealing vaggie's first word.


I just wanted to write some baby vaggie , Just some humor before bed. mama Carmilla is mad lol

What was your first word?

Mine was money but I was supposed was mommy

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