Happy birthday vaggie

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Gonna say this as someone who has been critical of Game Freak both as a Pokémon fan for over 25 years.

Do not support Palworld.

I don't care what side of the controversy you're on. Can we all agree that this is a fucking shit take?
(See the end of the chapter for more notes.)

5 years later.

Adam returned to the heaven to regroup with his troops after the extermination had ended. He did a quick count to make sure they had all 1900 when-

"Hold on, where the FUCK is Becky?!" He yelled.

The older and new angel exorcists all looked at each other and shrugged wondering where their former second in command went.

"Fuck this shit!, I'm getting a drink and lute and her sisters a glass of chocolate milk."


Back in hell, Everyone could hear the sound of the clock tower, signifying the extermination was over.

In the overlords meeting building.

"Hey! what's up fuckers!" A voice shouted from behind everyone. Carmilla and Zestial turned around to see a familiar annoying sinner, that was currently holding holy ropes, that were wrapped around a dead exorcist.

Zestial's mouth dropped open, husker dropped his finest bottle of beer and Clara and Odette dropped their piles of paperwork.

"So nice of you to join the party!" Alastor taunted.

"Where fuck did you find holy ropes?" Carmilla asked angrily.

Velvette quickly regained her attitude. "Yeah, well, borrowed some from your weapons factory."


"Hey you overlords made bets behind my back that I couldn't catch an exterminator alive!"

Zestial suddenly spoke up. "Don't you clearly mean a dead one? in all my centuries I always thought these helmets were actual heads."

Carmilla sighs signaling two guards. "Just put the body and her weapon in the lab and I'll take care of it later."

Vox suddenly spoke up. "Question for my social media business partner, How did you kill this angel?"

"Oh...she killed herself, the moment I trapped her." Velvette laughed. "Dumb bitch probably didn't want to expose heaven secrets."


Hours later.

Wearing their best clothes, Charlie wearing a red suit and vaggie wore a black dress.
They entered and were greeted by a grand chandelier hanging from a high, ornate ceiling, casting a soft glow throughout the space. The floor's jade tiles gleamed underfoot. A nice desk stood elegantly against one wall, with polished wood and marble accents. behind it, an imp butler bowed at their arrival.

Charlie eyed the tasteful artwork adorning the walls. As vaggie and her older sisters led them toward the elevator, they passed a cascading indoor waterfall fountain,

Vaggie keyed in a lengthy password and the elevator obediently opened. Butterflies excitedly tickled in Charlie's stomach as they ascended to the very top floor. Another password unlocked a final door.

Her best friend hadn't exaggerated when she mentioned the spaciousness of the weapons company penthouse suite. An entire wall was composed of glass, The sparkling hardwood floors and lush tropical houseplants seemed to welcome them as the furnace hummed to life.

Vaggie pressed a button on a remote, igniting a fireplace beneath the big screen TV. The open floor plan revealed a staircase on the left, leading to an exposed hallway and a railing above. Charlie noticed several doors leading to bedrooms.

"This is it," vaggie announced. "The dumb extermination day is over and we can finally celebrate my 15th birthday."

"Wow this is going to be exciting..." Charlie moved across the room, drawn to the expansive glass wall that framed a breathtaking view of the pentagram city. Was this really a penthouse? She could easily mistake the place for a luxury hotel.

"I feel like I should be sitting in that chair, writing a Spanish song," Clara mused, nodding toward a purple armchair by the window.

"Thanks for letting us throw a birthday party here." Charlie used her sleeve to wipe away the fingerprints she was leaving on the glass.

"It's the least I could do for my daughter." Carmilla spoke softly. After all, you're vaggie's best friend."

"Even though birthdays aren't necessarily in hell, We definitely celebrating this!" Odette declared. "I wonder if we have any champagne hidden around that husker hasn't drank?"

Charlie suggested. "We could check the kitchen?"

"Great idea!"

"Speaking of," Charlie said, "do you all want to help me make some homemade goodies for later? Maybe with your help, they'll actually turn out."

"Challenge accepted." Vaggie grinned.


Moments later, the kitchen countertops were covered with an array of ingredients. Clara rummaged through the cupboards in search of measuring cups, while Odette skimmed through a recipe for double chocolate chunk cookies.

"Preheat the oven and then sift the flour." Vaggie reads aloud, her finger toying with the dog-eared page.

"How many eggs?" Odette called over her shoulder.


Just then, Carmilla exiting the living room, she strolled into the kitchen In the background, everyones voices could be heard conversing in the adjoining living room.

"What are you making, kids?"

"Cookies! Everyone will be here in a few hours, we can all snack on them with milk." Vaggie exclaimed for a sugar rush addiction.

Carmilla smiled, leaning closer to vaggie, her finger playfully swiping away a smudge of flour on the side of her face. "Just don't burn the place down kiddo," she teased.

Vaggie responded with a childish face.

"I want to make a homemade pizza for the supper party," Odette called. "Veggie delight with extra hot sauce."

"More like extra cheese," Clara and vaggie said back.

Charlie nodded excitedly in agreement.

"Fine make it 5 pizzas, we have guests coming," Carmilla relented. "Just please don't burn nothing to the ground."


I just wanted something cute and hopefully next chapter will be extra aged up fluffy or extra bloody? Be warned beautiful readers.

Rewatching Episode 7, Hello Rosie,

Vaggie, you an angel, you were harmed by an angelic weapon. So, you out of everyone don't get to criticize others for not realizing that they can harm angels – WHEN YOU DIDN'T EVEN PUT THAT TOGETHER.

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